2011年7月23日 星期六

A guide to Perimenopause symptoms

Before menopause really takes place, must first occur perimenopause and its manifestations are usually Chronicle which can last between two and ten years. When perimenopause begins, hormone levels, as estrogen decrease gradually. But these changes will not have a circadian flow which are normally mercurial. Hormonal changes are followed by the symptoms that affect the emotional, mental and physical health of a woman. But normally the duration varies from a woman to another.

Perimenopause symptoms usually begin in the late 1940s or early 1950s where the woman to have an irregular menstrual cycle. Sometimes, the cycle appears to be shorter than the usual duration and there are also times when it is longer. The loss of blood may also vary. The blood that comes out may be scarce or heavy.

Hormonal changes can also make women experience warm feelings in the morning and you're sweating in the night.

Perimenopause symptoms are not continuous because the majority of them are intermittent. You may be experiencing night sweats tonight, but that does not happen tomorrow. Because these aberrant flows, it is undoubtedly difficult to understand the nature of the menopause and know that suitable treatment methods can also be difficult.

What are common symptoms that are present in perimenopause:?

(1.) Irregular menstrual flow
Since fertilization is erratic at this time, it is difficult to say if the menstrual cycle will be more or less. Even the amount of blood lost is difficult to determine how it can be abundant or minimum. On the other hand, even throughout the menstrual cycle can be lost.

(2) Hot flashes and night sweats
This can give a woman a kind feeling extravagant. One minute you feel hot and becomes diaphoretic (profuse sweating) suddenly. However, duration, intensity and frequency of symptoms varies from a woman to another. Commonly, night sweats can even sleep disruptions cause.

(Changes of humor 3.)
Perimenopause symptoms, this is one of the most common. Many women experience uncomfortable feelings then suddenly they suffer from depression. These sudden emotional changes are also caused by hormonal changes. This kind of symptom is closely consistent with a woman who menstruates. However, the only difference is that of the changes are not so transparent.

(4.) Sleep difficulties
Due to the night sweats, many women is very difficult to sleep. When they are finally sleepy, he immediately wakes up in the middle of the night and they could no longer sleep anymore.

(Unit of libido or sex of Dalet 5.)
When the perimenopause symptoms begin to take place, the vaginal mucosa of women is becoming thinner. Due to the production of estrogen decrease, the vagina become dry, spicy and less lubricated, therefore a painful intercourse. This is the reason why women with these changes no longer have the wish to participate in the sex.

(6) Body weakness and fatigue
Due to the numerous symptoms experienced by women during perimenopause, their energy is not doubt it will fall and will be exhausted. Other factors that can weaken a woman are the reduction in the production of testosterone, as well as thyroid imbalances.

(Increase in weight 7.)
Finally, weight gain is likely to occur from metabolism of women becomes slower. In addition, women experiencing perimenopause also have cravings for foods that are major contributors to weight gain.

You are suffering from symptoms of perimenopause? Find out how menopause treatments are more effective.

View the original article here

