2011年4月28日 星期四

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement - HRT Without the Side Effects

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be defined as natural chemicals and naturally occurring compounds found in plants that mimic the effects of the actual hormones of the human body, particularly estradiol, progesterone, and estriol, which is another naturally occurring estrogen, and even testosterone (men suffer from a "male menopause" called andropause as well, but that is for another discussion).

Bioidentical hormone therapy has all of the good effects of HRT, or traditional hormone replacement therapy, with none of the severe side effects that has caused so many women looking for menopause relief to steer away from traditionally administered HRT.

What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Used For?

Natural hormone replacement is often used for women in years of premenopause or in the actual stage of menopause itself, who are in need of replenishing the feminine hormones that are lost during this time, and need help easing and minimizing the symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as hot flashes, night sweats, depression, moodiness, and more.

Not only can you get BHRT through a doctor now, you can also find many good BHRT supplements that will really help to equalize your hormones and bring you back to normal estrogen levels.

These supplements are formulated with natural herbs that very closely mimic the effects of estrogen and help to elevate mood, reduce or eliminate night sweats and hot flashes, and also bring back a more youthful existence derived from hormonal harmony.

BHRT is typically derived from elements found in nature such as soy and wild yam, known for their naturally estrogenic properties and influence in the female body when introduced in precise dosages. Scientists and herbalist alike have played with these formulas to exactly mimic the effect of real estrogen hormones in the female body.

Women everywhere are benefitting from this natural alternative to HRT, without the common side effects that would normally make you shy away. Bioidentical hormone replacement is just one of the many ways herbs are improving lives across the world at an increasing pace.

See Bioidentical Hormone Replacement - The Natural Alternative to HRT for more information on an excellent hormone remedy. Danna Schneider is the webmaster of Alternative Medicines and Health Supplements, a site dedicated to naturally curing people with effective herbal alternatives to modern medical science.

