2011年6月7日 星期二

An Overview of Menopause Symptoms

Women who reach menopausal age may be feeling overwhelmed by some of the menopause symptoms. These are women who have always felt confident and healthy. Suddenly they are in the midst of a meeting or activity and feel overly warm. The heat is followed almost immediately by profuse sweating and sometimes by a racing heart. The symptoms are commonly called a hot flash. It is the most common symptom of menopause, but not the only one. Menopause is medically defined as the day after the end of the last period. A full year must elapse without a period before a woman is said to have reached menopause.

Realistically, menopause is defined as the multi-year period when the production of reproductive hormones decrease and then cease. Menopause is also called The Change, The Change of Life or Perimenopause. The length and the symptoms vary with different women. Hot flashes are usually the most obvious symptom for menopausal women. There may be rapid heart rate episodes. More migraine headaches can occur. A woman may experience painful muscles and inflamed joints. These symptoms may be severe enough to reduce activities.

Hormone reduction causes some very noticeable symptoms in the genital and urinary areas. Irritated and dry tissue is one example. The membranes of the vulva, vagina and cervix are thinned, sometimes measurably. The tissues may bleed. There may be a discharge that is watery. Many women experience urination that increases in frequency and in urgency. A significant number of women experience incontinence during this period.

Women may choose their treatment plan according to the number and significance of the symptoms. Hormone replacement is an option for women who experience symptoms that interfere with their ability to get the activities of daily living completed. Other women choose natural measures to get through the menopause years. Just choosing loose and comfortable clothing made of natural fibers such as cotton is one way to deal with hot flashes. Layers of clothing that can be removed to relieve temperature extremes is one way of dealing with sudden temperature increases.

Black cohosh is one example of a natural remedy that has been associated with relief of hot flashes. Some clinical studies seem to support that concept that this herb strengthens the body's ability to manage the internal thermostat. The thermostat controls the body's response to warm temperatures. Cooling processes such as perspiration and rapid heart rate are triggered following the temperature climb.

Menopause symptoms can be quite severe. Women can choose the level of treatment that they prefer. Hormone replacement therapy is the most intrusive plan, and may have undesirable side effects. Natural methods are preferred by most women.

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1 則留言:

  1. Some symptoms are Changes in Monthly Cycle, Changes in PMS and Cramps, Mood swings and depression and many more.
    To know more about it check this out
    Symptoms of Menopause>
