Maybe your hot flashes and menopause symptoms do not keep you up at night, but they might wake you up very early and prevent you from getting a restful sleep. This is quite common, and many women have found some simple and practical remedies. are dreaming of a beautiful spring day near a river, the sun is shining and everything is just prefect. For some reason, the sun is getting hotter and hotter, until you wake up in a night sweat. Oh, those dratted night sweats again. Now you won't be able to get back to sleep until just before your alarm clock goes off!
Here are some real world solutions for your hot flashes and menopause:
Learn about some of the safe, tried and proven herbal remedies and begin using them. For some reason, we human beings seem to like the idea of certain things, but just don't take action. You won't get any relief if you just keep doing the same thing over and over again! Unless, of course, it is working.
Keep a thermos of ice water next to the bed. When you wake up in a night sweat, take a long drink of the ice water and it will cool you off. Your body is thinking it needs to survive by giving you the night sweat, and you can help it out by cooling it off.
Keep a towel at the bedside and moisten it with the ice water to cool off your body. Your sweat will disappear and you will feel much better.
What are some of the safe and effective herbal remedies?
Red clover is a simple herbal remedy with a long history. It has been used for centuries to treat many ailments, including hot flashes, insomnia and other menopause symptoms.
Maca is a plant from Peru that has also been used for centuries as a treatment for menopause. It has many marvelous effects, one of the more famous is that of an aphrodisiac. Now, here you re really getting a lot out of your herbal remedy! What more do you want?
Flax seed was recently the subject of a major medical study conducted by the Mayo Clinic. In the study, menopausal women who were experiencing hot flashes were given flax seed in their food. Nearly all of them reported a very noticeable reduction in the severity of their hot flashes.
So, if your hot flashes and menopause are keeping you up at night, or preventing you from getting a good night's sleep, try these simple and inexpensive solutions.
Randy Hough
See our article about maca and hot flashes.
Mother Teresa: "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much."