Women begin to experience menopause between the ages of 40 and 50 and after the last menstruation. Some of the symptoms are depression, loss of self esteem, hot flashes, sweats and sudden mood changes that come along with the lowering levels of estrogen in the body. While this time in a woman's life is considered a time of decline in the west, it is recognized as a time of celebration for the deepening wisdom that it brings in many other cultures. What can make it frustrating for many women is the lack of helpful information on the changes that are taking place in their bodies. Ayurveda, the oldest medical system in the world that has been practiced by millions for thousands of years, lacks a wide following in the west but it is based on many of the same foundations of modern medicine. Many herbs and plants that have been commonly used in Ayurveda are only now becoming accepted in modern western medicine.
Ayurvedic treatment is provided after an evaluation by a trained practitioner and would depend on the symptoms and the makeup of the patient but there is a common and many would say, commonsense, foundation to this treatment. The body's makeup is considered to spring from the five elements of the physical creation--fire, air, space, water and earth, with each of us having a mind-body profile called a 'dosha'. There are three doshas--vata, pitta and kapha and each is a combination of elements with one dominating element. Here is a brief summary of the menopause treatments that are normally prescribed for these doshas:
Vata dosha types have symptoms like nervousness, anxiety, panic, mood swings and insomnia among others and they are advised to eat warm, regular meals, use fennel and cumin seed spices, avoid sugar drinks, coffee and other stimulants. They are also advised to practice yoga and meditation, go to sleep early and walk for exercise. Some of the herbs suggested are garlic, ginseng, hawthorn berries and licorice.
Pitta dosha types suffer from hot flashes, nightly sweats, heavy periods, excessive bleeding and are prone to anger, irritability and a hot temper. They are advised to consume cooling foods like melons and cucumbers, avoid hot, spicy food and alcohol, drink a lot of water and fruit juices. They should sleep in early and meditate to eliminate the anger and resentments in their minds. Herbs suggested are aloe vera, barberry, saffron and golden seal.
Kapha dosha type symptoms include weight gain, sluggishness, lethargy, fluid retention, depression and lack of motivation. They should consume warm foods, whole grains, vegetables and legumes while avoiding meat as much as possible, along with cheese, sugar and cold drinks. Spices suggested are black pepper, turmeric and ginger. Herbs advised are bayberry, cayenne, cinnamon, motherswort and mustard.
Please keep in mind that these are very general guidelines and that any serious treatment should be followed only after consulting qualified practitioners along with your medical doctor.
Jayan writes about yoga, nutrition and weight loss. If you liked this article, please visit Indoor Chaise Lounges and Living Room Chaise Lounges.