2011年7月31日 星期日

Everything you need to know about the Pre menopausal symptoms

Menopause is a stage in the life of every woman that cannot be avoided. Women often experience

symptoms of menopause in their late 1940s until the early 1950s. A woman says that at this stage when it ceases to have their monthly menstrual cycle. In addition to this, women will also lose their ability to conceive. We can therefore say that when women suffer from this condition, they cannot have children anymore. Women usually experience pre menopausal symptoms which indicate that they are about to enter the stage of menopause. This article will tell you everything you need to know about this phase so that they can tackle properly at the time.

The stage of pre menopause is usually indicated by irregular monthly periods. Monthly periods can be longer or even shorter than usual. Said that the stains of blood will begin to occur in women in their 40s and it may be one of the most reliable signs that she will have her menopause soon. Other symptoms include exhaustion and emotional imbalance. Entering this phase women easily you'll feel tired or anxious even though they are not doing anything. These symptoms are believed caused by the decrease in the production of the female sex hormones. Estrogen and progesterone will occur not so much as before and makes your physical and emotional condition change drastically. These changes can lead to the feeling of anxiety and fear. To the extent of the worst, it can lead to tension and even insomnia. The decrease in estrogen and progesterone can also trigger osteoporosis and vaginal dryness. Vaginal dryness can be a bit frustrating and drastically reduce the sex drive in women, and she can not already enjoy sexual relations.

But don't worry, you can treat the symptoms of menopause pre and you can start a healthier lifestyle. It is true that one cannot avoid menopause. But to introduce healthier foods in their diet unless symptoms will not be so ugly and frustrating. Women come to this stage also recommended exercise regularly. It is believed that to do exercise regularly, improve blood circulation and help in curbing that stress can be caused by the decline of sex hormones. If things do not get any better, you can immediately see a medical specialist and get the proper medication to treat their symptoms.

In general, the symptoms of menopause can be really frustrating and awkward. But a healthier lifestyle with the help of medical treatments, pre menopause symptoms can be treated.

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2011年7月30日 星期六

Hormonal imbalance: take the challenge: change one thing

There is nothing that I appreciate more than a small change of perspective that can change the color of my entire outlook. That is exactly what happened when I started to look outside the traditional method of hormone therapy to treat the symptoms of hormonal imbalance. When I was first introduced to herbal medicine was skeptical even desperate, but to my surprise, herbal medicines, became an unexpected dose of inspiration. At the time, my only goal was to feel again like myself again. However, I received much more: developed a new vision of life.

Circumvent the hormone imbalances can be as simple as making minor changes in food choice, the daily routine and the attitude about PMS and menopause symptoms.

Many of you can read articles published in this site or in magazines on the problem of using sugar, caffeine and alcohol in excess. And it is no secret sometimes its hard to put our knowledge where our mouths are. Insomnia, hot flashes and pre-menstrual symptoms is angry by bad eating habits, but reducing the perpetrators on the other hand, you can make a difference in how you feel during the day and night and can help you to get a better night sleep in.

Stress can trigger symptoms such as insomnia, hot flashes, anxiety, palpitations of the heart and uterine cramping. An easy solution may be a few minutes of gentle deep breathing. Relax your mind and body, and calm at the same time the symptoms.

Exercise may just be the most valuable gift you can give. AHHHH yoga. Okay, I realize many never have tried but yoga has shown very positive results with even the most serious symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.

Get outside and take a walk of 15 to 30 minutes several times per week. It is a great way to let go to stress, lifting fatigue, protect against the increasing weight and symptoms fairly. It is a way of getting fresh air and it's free.

Maybe time for a change of perspective. Somewhere in the process of learning became menopause acceptable blame for bad hair days and be the excuse for terrible mood States among other rationalizations.

It is very easy to tell ourselves I am busy or tried to agree too. But if we can glimpse at our future and the possible consequences of the decisions we make today, I think that we would be motivated to make different choices for our health and the care of the same.

Us should be blessed to experience a natural menopause, but unfortunately for some symptoms are the result of surgery or medical treatment. In any case still has the option of how manage them. Talk with your doctor and learn about their options. Ask about the use of a treatment herbal as a first step toward relief of symptoms. There are some very good available that they have been clinically tested and show significant results.

Due to the risk of breast cancer, attacking the heart, stroke and blood clots found taking hormone replacement therapy, an unprecedented number of the question of women through any form of limitation of the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or BHRT. They are also not enthusiastic about the use of drugs that they feel they don't need. If these are his thoughts is not alone.

Anti depressant not curaran hormonal imbalance and it will not be the hormone replacement therapy.

The FDA and the women's health initiative warned that the benefits outweigh the negative effects of hormone replacement therapy.

Stay updated with the facts. Currently the FDA tells women that you choose to use hormone replacement therapy, to take them to the lowest possible dose and only for a short time. The FDA has also issued statements on the hand of mixed by pharmacist bioidentical hormones. They are not FDA approved and standardized, and the FDA explains to consumers that there is no scientific data to say that they are safer than traditional HRT.

Sabina e. Fasano is the founder of solutions for women, the developer of Femmerol R, a patented, clinically proven herbal micronized formulation to address the hormonal imbalance due to menopause, perimenopause, and monthly hormonal fluctuations. Femmerol is manufactured by the Capsugel Division of Warner-Lambert. To learn more about Femmerol, visit http://www.solutionsforwomen.com/ or call 1 + (800) 846-0866

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Helping women through menopausal hormone therapy

Menopause hormone therapy is one of the options available in hormone replacement therapy, but this treatment is specifically for middle-aged women during or after the phase of menopause.

Hormone therapy for women can help to relieve the symptoms of menopause, it can be very uncomfortable for women. Generally there are two main types of hormones given to women in menopause: estrogen and progesterone. Both hormone found naturally in the body of a woman. Prior to menopause, the ovaries of women continue to produce these hormones in abundance. But once the ovaries reduces the production of these hormones, menopause symptoms begin to manifest.

Hormone therapy for women is aimed at restoring the natural levels of these hormones in the body to submit, if not completely eliminate the symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, oblivion, insomnia and itchy skin. Hormone replacement therapy has also been shown to improve reproductive health and mental wellbeing while also decreases the risk of vaginal yeast infections,

Oestrogen affects how the body uses calcium that is used to repair and grow the bones. Estrogen also helps maintain cholesterol levels in the body. Hormone replacement therapy, are considerably lower risks of joint pains, osteoporosis, colon cancer and heart diseases.

Who are the candidates for the menopausal hormone therapy? Those whose quality of life suffers because of the discomfort of symptoms would qualify. While the treatment is usually given during and after menopause, which is an average in the range of ages of 42-58, it is also recommended for women of 30 onwards. It is at this stage the body begins to lose more of the hormone human growth or HGH, which repairs and regenerates the tissues of the body.

To determine if the patient is qualified to receive hormone therapy, doctors carried out a full medical investigation of the State of current health and medical history. The length and the interval of the treatment will also depend on prescription from your doctor. It is important, however, women subject to this treatment to stay in touch with their doctors. Doctors are well equipped and able to identify different symptoms and can react accordingly by increase or decrease the dose levels.

These days, women do not have to suffer the effects of menopause with hormone replacement therapy. This therapy has already helped numerous women and remains a subject of investigation as medical experts find ways to improve the lives of women through supplement the hormones of the body. Menopause hormone therapy remains one of the most popular and safe methods of treatment.

Resource box:

Total rejuvenation medical professionals specializing in hormone replacement therapy. For women who are starting to experience symptoms, Total rejuvenation offers menopausal hormone therapy. Programs are specifically designed for the needs of a patient's health. Get more information at TotalRejuvenation.com or call 877-530-9222.

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2011年7月29日 星期五

Benefits of the hormone replacement therapy in women

There are additional hormones that are managed through hormone replacement therapy. In women, they can offer many benefits. But with many different processes and different effects treatment options, the choice of the treatment must be specific to the needs of the individual. Hormonal treatments vary and will depend on the diagnosis of a medical expert to determine what can best benefit to a woman. One of these treatments is the HGH therapy.

HGH human growth hormone is a hormone inherent in every person. Determines the shape of the body human recovers, how quickly the cells and tissues, repair, and they regenerate. Men and women experience a decrease in HGH which close their thirties or forties, lower rates of recovery and regeneration of cells. This is visibly more seen as a process of ageing of the body.

HGH therapy can be given to women and men. In each gender, the therapy produces similar and different effects and benefits. But how this programme benefits women in particular?

He has shown an increase in the levels of HGH to increase bone density, which is especially good for women, in general, are more prone to osteoporosis than men. In addition to maintaining a diet rich in calcium and exercise, women can protect their bones by HGH supplementation.

Increase retention of calcium and maintain healthy bones, estrogen can also apply through hormone replacement therapy. In women, the addition of estrogen for the program also provides a defense against the symptoms associated with menopause stage.

Women, young and old, have more fat and less muscle men, and this only worse when they get older. Aging causes atrophy in the muscles, organs and bones. It also reduces metabolism, which in turn makes it easier for women to accumulate fat. Excess weight can cause a woman highly prone to diseases related to weight, such as diabetes and heart disease.

For middle-aged women which are already struggling to maintain a healthy weight, HGH therapy is also known for its ability to maintain healthy levels of muscle mass and also prevent increase in weight due to a slower metabolism.

Finally, HGH therapy delays signs of aging. Weaknesses of the mind and the body was reduced and decreased. Even at an advanced age, a person can remain perfectly good health. The effectiveness of replacement therapy can differ from person to person and per dose, but both men and women, offers some general benefits.

These are just some of the effects of the hormone replacement therapy in women. Hormone replacement therapy can be adapted to the needs of a woman's health through the management of a healthcare professional and expert diagnosis.

Resource box:

Total rejuvenation is home to specialist at hormone replacement therapy. Women and men, hormones declined as age, resulting in various health conditions. Total rejuvenation helps patients overcome the signs of aging through various forms of hormone replacement therapy. More information at TotalRejuvenation.com or call 877-530-9222 for more information.

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2011年7月28日 星期四

Controlling weight gain at menopause and beyond

I have heard many times like this. "Hit me menopause and BAM!" "the weight started piling."

Sounds familiar? If you answered Yes, then read on. There is hope and does not come in a bottle. Well, maybe a bottle of Perrier.

When our hormones quirky, one of the main roles our liver works is the clean up excessive hormones in our bodies. Plenty of water helps, but also do a variety of minerals that support phases of detoxification of the liver.

Selenium is one of those minerals. A great source can be found in the Brazil nuts. Three to five of these wonder nuts a day can give the momentum you need to delete more hormones from the body, along with other toxins the liver.

When more energy is required throughout the day, but they are afraid to eat because everything sticks to the thighs or hips, eat more often. Have before, heard you right? However, it is true. While he eats his body enters a State called Thermogenesis. This raises your metabolism, so it can burn more calories.

How often should you eat? I tell my clients to every 2.5 to 3 hours work better. Help to control blood sugar so that you don't have those valleys and peaks of energy. Below are some suggestions you can stay energized without excessive amounts of sugar or coffee.

1 Eat a good breakfast every day with protein of egg, sausage Turkey, Greek yogurt, whey of milk or rice protein. For vegetarians can make hot cereal of quinoa with almonds or rice milk. Beans and rice with avocado and sauce can also work well, but be careful with the starch of. Bring it crashing down in just forty-five minutes.

2. Stay hydrated every day drinking half of its body weight in ounces of water. To begin with, is to know what is that number. It is the formula for personal water. If you weigh a hundred and forty pounds, you should drink daily 70 ounces of water. It may be that it weighs much more and you can not imagine to drink half of its weight in ounces of water on a daily basis. Then, start with your IDEAL weight and divide by half.

3 Make your snacks count. Celery and hummus, egg salad, or nut butter works well for a snack on average tomorrow. You can make a sandwich than anything that has a little protein and some food with high density of nutrients such as fruits or vegetables. I like sticks of carrot for contraction and hummus for texture. Sometimes eat red peppers, which are high in antioxidants. I often set a segment of Turkey or a stick of cheese in several leaves of lettuce, roll up and eat with sauce a little. Average morning snack and a half later. Skip the coffee and green tea, no choice of rich in antioxidants.

4. A light dinner will be through the night and keep the pounds off. If you plan a salad of vegetables every night or roast dinner with just three ounces of fish or chicken, will have more energy to walk or doing yard work or play with the grandchildren. If you feel hungry later in the night, you need a piece of fruit. My customers seem to like grapefruit at night, which is great while you are not taking statin drugs or other drugs that could be affected by grapefruit. Check with your doctor or pharmacist.

You can also add self-starvation to weight gain. It sounds like contra-intuitivas, I know. The point here is to prevent inflammation. It can cause tissues swell. Instead of making long cardio, which is very important for the reduction of stress, try walking and strength with light weight training. Try yoga for stress reduction.

Do these five things for three or four weeks, to see if her weight gain stops and initiate connection in your smallest clothes again. I bet you he'll love the results.

Sandi Thompson is a nutritional therapy and wellness coach. It works primarily with women over 50 who are sick and tired of feeling very tired and very sick over time. His approach is based on the science and art of training. This approach not critical leads customers to self-discover and greater awareness, while the back of your health and your eating under control.

It is important to know where to begin to recover health. Sandi Thompson offers a free report: 7 Secrets for amazing http://solutionthroughnutrition.com/about energy, health and welfare

A workshop on healthy summer eating offers http://solutionthroughnutrition.com/healthy-summer-eating of June 28, 2011

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2011年7月27日 星期三

Healthy aging - stages of menopause

It is the reproductive reproductive phase transition does not refer to the natural part of aging and is a stage in the life of every woman. However, there is a great individual variation and every woman experience menopause differently. A woman can pass smoothly by these hormonal changes, while another may suffer with many debilitating symptoms until you receive appropriate treatment.

Stages of menopause

Perimenopause is a period of transition from a normal to completely absent the ovarian function. During this time ovarian function becomes erratic with fluctuations in estrogen levels that translates into some physical symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, mood swings and irregular periods. Perimenopause usually begins when a woman is in her 40s and lasts from four to eleven years.

During perimenopause ovaries begin to decrease their ovulatory function. The majority of women note not the occurrence of menopause until the last years of perimenopause when estrogen production decreases more rapidly and drastically.

Menopause begins when the ovaries stop throwing eggs and a woman does not have periods. Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 with a median age of 51 in United States. A general indication of menopause is the cessation of periods of twelve consecutive months.

Postmenopausal time is divided into two stages:

‧ Early postmenopause is within the first five years from the last menstrual period. In this hormone stage starts therapy if symptoms, osteoporosis and bone loss becomes serious.

‧ Postmenopause late is five years and beyond.

It is more likely to experience the symptoms of menopause

‧ Women with personal or family history of breast or ovarian cancer

‧ Women with blood clots

‧ Women with hormonal abnormalities personal or family history

‧ Women with thyroid problems and autoimmune diseases

‧ Women who have premature menopause

‧ Women with surgical removal of the ovaries after chemo or radiotherapy

Factors that affect menopause

It is not understood well why the age of the onset of menopause varies in form of woman to woman. Many environmental and lifestyle factors such as the use of oral contraceptives, and smoking are related to the beginning of the natural menopause.

Genetics determines the number of eggs in the ovaries of women and the age when she enters the menopause. We found a strong association between genetics and the onset of menopause, based on the study of menopausal age of mothers, daughters and among brothers. If women in his family entered the menopause around 50 years, it is 30 to 85%, which will also experience menopause around this time.

Smoking and women with chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, surgical removal of the ovaries or damage to the ovaries in chemotherapy or radiation therapy are more likely to experience early menopause. On average smokers reach menopause two years earlier than nonsmokers.

Early menopause

Premature menopause are characterized by the absence of normal function of ovaries and produces less than 1% of women age 40 and 0.1% before age 30.

Clinical diagnosis of premature menopause is based on the absence of at least 4 months in conjunction with more than 40 IU/L FSH levels before 40 years. However, about half of patients show intermittent estrogen production and you can ovulate making possible pregnancy after diagnosis.

About menopause, many women experience symptoms such as palpitations, intolerance of heat and hot flashes that are believed to be caused by fluctuations in estrogen. These symptoms of hypothyroidism, hashitoxicosis or ageing are often wrong.

The incidence of premature ovarian failure of autoimmune origin is higher in women with Hashimoto and severe disease. Premature ovarian failure or Oophoritis is a painless autoimmune inflammation of ovaries, resulting in premature menopause before the 1940s with a loss of fertility and ovarian hormonal functions.

Marina Gutner holds a doctorate in natural sciences and is a medical writer about the disease and the conditions of health partners of Hashimoto. For more information about the connection between menopause and autoimmune diseases and hypothyroidism in women subscription free articles on his blog thyroidinwomen.com

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Facts you need to know about hormone replacement therapy

World of women on the word "fiftieth" dread. While naughty men at forty, the women get confused in fifty! This age is the age when a woman experience menopause. For many women, menopause is a terrible period that is marked by hot flashes, profuse sweating, insomnia, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. During menopause, a woman's body undergoes major changes physically and mentally, so. Decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone cause many problems for women. These hormones are not only responsible for the menstrual cycle, but also protect them against serious diseases of the heart and bones such as osteoporosis. Modern science has a perfect solution for these problems, called "hormone replacement therapy".

Hormone replacement therapy can be defined as a replacement for the natural hormones such as estrogen and progesterone hormone synthetically manufactured. Hormone replacement therapy is a blessing for women who suffer from the nightmare of menopausal symptoms. There are many benefits of hormone replacement therapy. They include a respite from hot flashes, insomnia and vaginal dryness. Also been found that you can help to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer of colon and muscular degeneration or paralysis.

But like everything else, hormone replacement therapy has too many risks. There are many side effects, such as atypical flow vaginal, bleeding, headaches, fluid retention, inflammation of the sinuses and an increased risk of breast cancer and endometrial. These side effects have been one of the most debated questions in the history of medicine. Is hormone replacement therapy safe? The response of the large amounts of research indicates that synthetic HRT seems to be safe for a window of two to four years and no more. A longer period of the synthetic hormone replacement therapy is filled with questions and doubts. In that case, what is the alternative to a woman who suffers from the symptoms of menopause?

The good news is that there are alternatives available to counter the effects of the menopause and they do not cause side effects associated with hormone replacement therapy. These natural hormone replacement treatments include products such as Avmil. Avmil does not have side effects and is an ingredient derived from the plant Kingdom. It works the same way as hormone replacement therapy and has no risks. Apart from Avmil there are many therapies available herbal these days. These hormones are extracted natural ingredients such as soybean and wild yam. These substances work the same way as the hormones progesterone and estrogen.

Hormone replacement therapy is intended to minimize the problems of the menopause and give a better quality of life of women. However, it is full of side effects which can harm women rather than benefiting them. Natural hormone replacement therapy using plants and their extracts in varying amounts to mimic female hormones. This type of treatment is a great alternative and can help millions of women to a natural life without the agony of the side effects.

Rich has written articles for almost 10 years. Come to visit the site and his wife have come together on the subject of childbirth DVD that offers ideas on issues such as learning about pregnancy exercise DVD. Together have helped to build web sites of several women health.

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2011年7月26日 星期二

Dealing with menopause depression

Depression in women is a major concern, especially in the future. The changes in their bodies can cause a female less feel like a woman and cause to withdraw from their normal lifestyle. Depression is treatable with herbal medicines and prescription. Even some women should seek professional help to deal with all the changes that are occurring and the loss of the ability to conceive children. Changes in diet and exercise may be necessary to combat some of the symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, and weight gain.

Life change is a natural process by which usually 45-55, women begin to have changes physically, emotionally and mentally. Due to changes in the woman's body, depression is a major concern. This is partly due to the hormonal changes that pass through their bodies. A woman may begin to have negative signs such as irritability, short temper etc. that would lead us to suspect that she is going through the menopause. Of course, women have a decrease in reproduction hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone, the hormone that regulates your monthly period will be produced less, causing ovulation to be less predictable. Estrogen, a female hormone, regulate the reproductive cycle. Menopausal changes begin to occur when the level of estrogen in the body start to reduce. Sometimes women be depressed due to these changes in your body. Women can develop facial or body hair, decrease in breast firmness, increase in weight and irritability. This is a good time for a woman to visit your doctor, the diagnosis of "change of life".

There are several reasons why a woman cannot go by what is called menopause symptoms... Some women may experience an early total hysterectomy is the removal of all the female reproductive organs. In general, became a hysterectomy due to very irregular periods, or the development of tumors or cysts. Other women may experience this, due to chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Menopause symptoms can vary from a female to the next. Depression, remain of great concern, is not the only thing that a woman should be expected to occur. There are other changes that may occur. Vaginal dryness, pain at intercourse, vaginal itching, changes in the pattern of sleep or sleep disturbance, increase in fat abdominal, possibly due in part to the increase of the eagerness of hydrates of carbon, thinning of hair, acne, weight gain, loss of memory, fatigue, mood changes, depression hot flashes.

The depression, one of the symptoms of menopause is also a mental disorder. One should suspect possible depression if dream has been disturbed, sadness persists longer than 2 weeks, there is a sense of failure, lack of interest in participating, in particular, the activities, which have been an interest before this change. Usually there is a pre-existing history of depression before the signs of menopause symptoms. If they suffer symptoms of depression, it is very important to go see your doctor as soon as possible. Depression can be treated easily and must not go untreated. Women must make an appointment with your health care provider... It may be that the female only depressed may need replacement therapy hormones, vitamins, antidepressants, or some sort of alteration of medication, which your doctor may prescribe mood.

There are also some changes in lifestyle and home remedies to help reduce negative symptoms and make a better feel about themselves, and no women have to live with depression.

Faye Finlay has a Bachelor's degree in health sciences. She works as a health researcher. It is his special interest in women's health. For more information about the symptoms of menopause, visit their website at http://www.thesymptomsofthemenopause.com/

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Cheer up! You are about to live through the menopause

And the story continues... There are many sides to debate on women's health the hormone. On the more gentle side, there is a view of simple common sense and that the offensive is hear the howl of a life better through chemicals.

The dust that surrounds the end of 2002 of the trial in the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may never solve, but who cares? In addition, hyperreal or not; It is a good concept. Be happy and look fabulous. So far the most successful statistical results have been the mass marketing of hope and fear to all women over the age of 40!

The discovery of new medicines is very exciting and at times seems to mark a breakthrough of 10 perfect, such as hormone replacement therapy in 1968.

Today the theoretical background of hormones have preachers bioidentical (BHRT). And are very hard at work trying to get something much bigger than a mere revival of the 1960s.

The controversy on BHRT and hormone replacement therapy may continue for a long time, so it remains the most important issue:

Is more secure than the standard HRT BHRT?

Leading experts of the FDA, health initiative of Dr. Susan Love, Director of the Foundation for breast cancer research and women say that the risks are the same.

Consider these facts:

(a) change of estrogen levels to achieve many of the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, poor sleep and mood swings.

(b) hormonal therapies raise blood estrogen levels.

(c) very few as possible pharmaceutical chemical estrogen helps control symptoms, however, it is only temporarily.

(d) when you stop this form of treatment symptoms again and for many women the symptoms return more severely.

) and even the smallest amount of estrogen chemical poses a danger to the health of women and has been repeatedly demonstrated to increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and breast cancer and clots of blood, and more recently linked to a severe form of lung cancer. For this reason they can only be prescribed by a very short period of time.

(f) the term Bioidentical is not a medical term; It is really a lay description for a manufactured hormone whose chemical structure mimics the hormone's counterpart in the body. Does not mean natural even if the finished product come from soy or Yam - bioidentical hormones are produced chemically steroid hormones. Premarin, the drug used in the study and clinical failure of 2002 also is a chemically manufactured steroid hormone.

(g) if it is a chemical hormone regardless of origin or a chemical hormone manufacturing process and are equally whether bioidentical or standard HRT, their benefits and risks will also be equivalent.

Consider these facts:

(a) phytohormones and phytochemicals are hormones that come from plants.

(b) they are the lowest dose measurable in any form of hormone therapy.

(c) they are the natural hormone support one and only true therapy.

(d) phytohormones are the only treatment not involved in the cancer of breast, heart attack, stroke, blood clots or lung cancer.

(e) are the only treatment that can take over an extended period time and perhaps the best way of managing even severe symptoms.

(f) symptoms really is not caused by low estrogen levels, but by fluctuations in hormones that lead to imbalance and discomfort. These symptoms are transient and usually resolve as hormones naturally rebalancing.

(g) studies have shown that phytochemicals have protection of their health properties. The National Cancer Institute has defined phytochemicals and Phytoestrogens on its website NCI as:

Phytochemicals: A substance found in plants. Some phytochemicals may reduce the risk of cancer.

Phytoestrogens: A substance found in certain plants and plant products. Phytoestrogens may have anticancer effects.

They are the safest bioidentical hormones?

The issue of women should ask themselves is whether taking estrogen chemical is a good option?

If you could manage the symptoms of the menopause without drugs, not enough?

Sabina e. Fasano is the founder of solutions for women, the developer of Femmerol R, a patented, clinically proven herbal micronized formulation to address the hormonal imbalance due to menopause, perimenopause, and monthly hormonal fluctuations. Femmerol is manufactured by the Capsugel Division of Warner-Lambert. To learn more about Femmerol, visit http://www.solutionsforwomen.com/ or call 1 + (800) 846-0866

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2011年7月25日 星期一

Get 4 simple steps to prevent the weight of the hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is surgery that may alter the hormonal balance of women. With the removal of the ovaries, decrease the levels of estrogen in women. With the decline in estrogen levels, male androgen hormones can they prevail and lead to important abdominal fat deposit. This inevitable hormonal imbalance that can occur when all removes the uterus, fallpian tubes and ovaries may be difficult for many women.

Here are 4 steps to avoid unwanted weight gain:

1 Have the right mindset

To keep the weight off after hysterectomy, you have to believe you have the discipline and consistency to go forward with a plan. Without the proper mindset, it cannot fulfil its objective of preventing potential weight gain. When things get difficult, it is likely to give when the situation requires to be strong and stay with him. With all that requires great discipline, you must be mentally tough and determined to fulfil its objective.

2. Eat intelligently by eating the right foods

This seems like a no-brainer but it is a fundamental error that settles off unwanted pounds. You should eat a healthy diet that will keep your metabolism running at a level that helps to burn fat. For this, all food consumption as vegetables, fruits, lean meat of birds of corral, raw nuts, legumes, grains, seeds and whole eggs. It is not all about counting calories. Although this has its place, it is more important to eat the right foods.

3 Drink plenty of water

Water is a critical aspect to burn fat and proper health maintenance. The water helps burn stored fat and cancels out the body of excess toxins. Water also helps prevent swelling and constipation. Another important advantage is its ability to curb the appetite. Try to drink half of its weight in ounces of water daily for maximum benefit.

4. Make the appropriate exercises

Eating well is essential to avoid hysterectomy weight gain, but the Office must also be included. Most importantly, the focus should be on cardiovascular exercise. Shoot for 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to intense cardiovascular activity. This, in addition to good food, will help to melt unwanted fat quickly and easily.

If your form is at the initial level, is perfectly well start the exercise from 5 to 10 minutes each time. He can work his path as an improvement in his fitness. Even with this level of exercise, it will start quickly see results.

Get your 7 day free E on the "7 diet secrets that will help you avoid hysterectomy weight gain." Discover simple strategies that help to prevent unwanted after this common procedure pounds.

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2011年7月24日 星期日

Hormonal changes and menopausal weight gain

"Menopause is making you irritable". "Just bring a laptop fan with you wherever you are to help with hot flashes and stop complaining of". Any person who has never gone through the menopause has listened to these comments. For women, irritability and hot flashes are the least of their concerns. Gaining weight no matter what women do to avoid this, is the main complaint number one among women in all areas.

Why women continue gaining weight no matter how much little or healthy eating or how much exercise? The answer is the hormonal changes. Weight gain is an unpleasant and unavoidable fact of menopause. The woman's body goes through an obstacle course of hormonal changes during menopause.

There are four hormones that change during the menopause: testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and androgens. Insulin resistance is also affected during this phase of his life. What are these changes and what you mean?? It means that men in his life need to invest in some body protection equipment and learn just cabeceara agree! No, seriously, it means that your body will change despite what they do to avoid it.
Estrogen levels fall during this time. The Agency knows that he needs a certain amount of this hormone, so search in other parts of the body to find it. It is only that fat cells produce this hormone. The Agency will work harder than ever to convert calories into fat which can produce more estrogen. The result? Because fat cells do not burn calories in the same way that the muscle cells, the end result is weight gain.
Progesterone levels decrease during menopause. This does not as a result "real weight gain", but it makes the body retain water. A wife who conserved water feels much larger because their clothes fit tighter and it feels bloated, thus giving the illusion that has gained weight. It is similar to water retention and swelling during a menstrual period. Some weight gain or not, is an uncomfortable sensation not to mention a little depressing when you can not fit into your favorite pair of jeans! Fortunately, the majority of women, this is only a temporary condition.
Increased levels of androgens in the onset of menopause. When this happens, your body sends "new weight" to his abdomen. Your body usually has a new form, a form of "Apple" or a "pear" shape. I know that the references to food is really a "no-no" when we talk about menopause weight, but at least it is a reference to healthy food. This change in the form of a woman is where someone came with the saying "middle aged spread".
Testosterone levels decrease during menopause. For those of you who don't know, men are not the only ones with this hormone. Testosterone helps convert calories into lean muscle. With a decrease of thyroid hormone, fewer calories are capable of becoming lean muscle. This makes your body have a slower metabolism that results in weight.

Last but not least is the insulin resistance. I am sure that question why insulin has to do with the menopause. During this change, body of a woman inadvertently become fat every calorie. Consumption of processed or refined foods, the body will be build a resistance to insulin produced in the bloodstream. Once again, the result is weight gain.

Women need to take consolation in the fact that what they are doing is not that is making you gain weight. It is the change in their levels of hormones that is the culprit. Fluctuations in hormone levels are also an important factor in the appetite. Women have more desire to eat during the menopause. This is no cause for alarm. A diet healthy and refrain from eating processed or exercise of food refined, regular, a healthy amount of sleep and less stress will be easier on the mind, body and soul this transition. No two women are equal and their bodies can react different menopause. Only take heart in knowing is not alone.

The best way to survive this change is to learn as much as possible about what is happening to your body. Knowing that her weight gain is associated with the change in hormone levels, it will make much less stressful and frustrating menopause. This article aims to you and facilitate the transition and through this time in his life.

In quick Healthy Weight Loss.Org, Roger Thatcher is one of our researchers of any writer.If you are in need of a program that will give you the many answers you are looking for on weight loss and health of women, look no further http://www.quickhealthyweightloss.org/, please click here

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Does every woman have menopausal symptoms?

The most common menopausal symptoms are hot flashes, vaginal dryness, insomnia, mood swings, fuzzy thinking and loss of libido.

Studies have found that some women experience only one or two symptoms that can easily live with. However, most women have symptoms that feel require treatment. But even when women have symptoms, they do not have all the symptoms all the time. Some symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and diffuse reflection are the result of the pendulum oscillating between high estrogen and low progesterone, a common scenario during the years of perimenopause. All the symptoms come and go as acne, chest pain and bleeding. Although symptoms such as vaginal dryness and reduced libido can occur at any time for a multitude of reasons such as medicines, medical, or after the birth of the child, treatments are usually more evident once the hormones settle in the years of menopause.

Fluctuations in hormone levels

The symptoms of menopause phase refers to the reaction of the body to fluctuating hormone levels.But the menopausal symptoms are not caused by the lack of estrogen, but by fluctuations in hormone levels. Symptoms resolve as the rebalancing of the hormones, that just a few months or many women for some years for the body to settle in your new comfort zone. However, with a small intervention of drugs cannot be more like you during stains gross of transition.

Menopause (HCT) hormone replacement therapy: what the evidence shows

Menopausal hormone replacement therapy has been shown not to be the drug wonder that many people thought that it would be. We now know without doubt that menopausal hormones:

It increases the risk of invasive breast cancer.It increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes and blood clots.It increases uterine prolapse and incontinence.Not prevent heart disease.Does not preclude that Alzheimer's disease.

Alternatives to hormone replacement therapy


As an alternative to chemotherapy, acupuncture affects the flow of the body of energy throughout the body pathways called meridians. Fine animal hair used during a session of Acupuncture needles stimulate points along the meridians to correct health problems or imbalances. The theory of acupuncture is the root cause of the problem of health rather than just the symptom to produce a curative effect.

Herbs for symptom relief

How to choose?

Today, a declared 85% of the world's population uses herbs as its first step solution to what affects them. The symptoms of menopause are no different. Below is a list of ingredients who knows how to deal with the hormonal balance multifaceted problems. It is the combinations of ingredients that produce the desired state of well-being. Don't try this at home! Working with an herbalist or buy a product that is specially designed and clinically proven to support your body during hormonal imbalances.

MYRICA: traditionally used for intestinal discomfort, inflammation of the throat and the discharge due to vaginal irritation.

Black Cohosh: used in Europe for more than 40 years and renowned as an alternative to therapy with estrogen for menopause symptoms. Efficacy and safety are confirmed by clinical experience long-term, randomised controlled trials and studies of toxicity that substantiate their security.

Capsicum: The fruit of the plant is authorized in the German Pharmacopoeia and the papers of Commission E for the relief of muscle spasms. Capsicum is used in the pharmacopoeia of United States and National Formulary, carminative and stimulant and recognized by the FDA for United States for use in products of over-the-counter arthritis and neuropathic pain.

Damiana leaf: Traditionally used to relieve feelings of sadness, low consumption of energy, hot flashes, low libido and classic symptoms of PMS.

Ginger root: Disease of anti-nauseant, anti-motion and an aid to digestive discomfort are the classic uses of ginger. Ginger is valued the world as a culinary herb, home remedy and medicinal agent. Extracts of ginger have been extensively studied for a wide range of activities including antibacterial, anticonvulsant, analgesic, antiulcerous, biological antitumor, gastric antisecretory antifungal, antispasmodic properties, Allergy and other activities.

Kudzu root: High in isoflavones, such as daidzein, as well as glycosides tuforadas. Known for centuries in traditional medicine, China under the name "ge-gen" and used to treat thirst, aches and pains, allergies and migraines. The historic application of Kudzu for abuse of alcohol is an important point for the coordination of the modern medical research.

Licorice root: The German Commission e approved root of liquorice for upper airway inflammation and ulcers of the stomach. Today, licorice is one of the most widely investigated medicinal plants. Food consumption of licorice root extract can also help lower cholesterol and to act as an antioxidant.

Red clover: Shown in clinical trials to revive the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats. Studies also indicate that isoflavones in red clover can reduce bone loss and have a protective effect in the lumbar spine in postmenopausal women. Red clover isoflavones have shown a positive effect on blood pressure in certain populations.

Raspberry Red: Raspberry red has historically been used to strengthen the uterus and relieving uterine cramps, help strengthen the bellies of women in childbirth education and help with nausea.

Sage: The German Commission e approved sage of stomach upset and excessive sweating (as that can occur with hot flashes and night sweats) and inflammation of the nose and throat. Sage was traditionally used to increase fertility, stop the bleeding and promote consistency in the menstrual cycle in women. Also used to heal the wounds of the lower skin, hoarseness or cough treatment and improve the function of memory. In the India, sage was used to treat infections, upset stomach and intestinal gas.

Valerian Root: The German Commission e has approved Valerian for anxiety and sleep disorders and recognized for its benefits in the national pharmacopeias of Austria, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Russia and United States, among others. The cooperative scientific European herbal medicine notes that Valerian is used for stress, anxiety and irritability, difficulty sleeping.

Sabina e. Fasano is the founder of solutions for women, the developer of Femmerol R, a patented, clinically proven herbal micronized formulation to address the hormonal imbalance due to menopause, perimenopause, and monthly hormonal fluctuations. Femmerol is manufactured by the Capsugel Division of Warner-Lambert. To learn more about Femmerol, visit http://www.solutionsforwomen.com/ or call 1 + (800) 846-0866

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2011年7月23日 星期六

Handbook of Physiology of thyroid hormone

Many of you reported to my Office with a complaint be hypothyroidism only said by your provider of primary health care which is normal in the tests. Guess what? You are correct! But it is you. However, they have not gone far enough to document what knows that it is true. The thyroid gland most of the time is to produce adequate amounts of thyroid. However, once it leaves the gland, seizes brain and respond to environmental cues, sleep, stress, exercise, etc. This answer changes the activity of enzymes that control the conversion of the thyroid hormone on its most active form known as T3. This has to be assessed to determine adequately its activity of thyroid true. I have included a graph of comments below of this physiology.

The following is a review of the thyroid axis:

HYPOTHALAMUS-> SAR (thyrotropin releasing this hormone decreases in times of stress)-->pituitary ---------> TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone - also decreased in times of stress)-->thyroid (gland produces four types of thyroid hormone, T1-4 - 90% of the production as T4, 10% of the production as T3.) They are andT1 T2< 1%="" of="">

T3 is 5 times more potent than T4. As such, 50-80% of T4 is converted to his more powerful counterpart, T3. The conversion occurs through the activity of enzymes called DEIODINASES. They are known as D1-3 enzymes. This is how the brain controls the activity of thyroid and that is why in times of stress, reduces the activity of the thyroid.

D1 and D2 control conversion in muscles and nerves. When stress occurs, however, the enzyme is activated D3 convert T4--> rT3-reverseT3. Reverse T3 is not able to link the thyroid receptor and acts as a "thyroid brake" limit the metabolic effects of thyroid.

Primary stress hormone that controls this is CRH (corticotropin releasing hormone). This is also released by the hypothalamus in the brain. It stimulates the release of ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone). Stimulates the adrenal gland to release adrenaline and cortisone, the primary stress hormones. When CRHis, SAR and TSH are reduced. Thinking in this way. The main function of the thyroid is to establish the metabolic rate and consumption of oxygen in the body. When reduces thyroid, fatigue, decreased body temperature, weight management problems, constipation, loss of hair, etc. may have. This occurs under stress because the brain thinks it should give priority to feeding the stress response that may involve the execution or struggling to escape from danger. Reduction of their metabolic rate by reducing the activity of the thyroid will help the body to maintain sufficient fuel for the response of stress/exhaust. When primary care providers evaluating thyroid, generally only measured TSH and T4 perhaps. Do not you look at the rest of the chemical.

Thus, when say you that the thyroid is normally, they are technically correct, but they are not responsible for the environmental influences that all endure these days. Not to mention, there are issues/micro-nutrients in our food supply that deny us adequate support of micronutrients that supports the normal conversion of the thyroid. Without evaluating the levels of T3 and rT3, there is no confirmation of environment / nutritional problems and the origin of the symptoms of hypothyroidism may be lost. But here is the key point! If your brain does not allow conversion to T3 and maneuvers to rT3 instead, it is doing as compensation for his lifestyle and stressors in an effort to protect your computer. In many cases, attempting to provide T3 to compensate for altered conversion you will not resolve the problem as the brain is seen as going against his programming. In my experience, most of the time, you can get some improvements to this chemistry. However, it cannot achieve complete rebalancing without a tribute to their stress. Sorry, this is just the reality of how it works. It is a very complex chemistry required a more comprehensive assessment to the symptoms of low activity. More and more doctors are beginning to look more thoroughly. Hopefully this first shall educate them a little bit about what you should be looking and asking your doctor coming in. You cannot get a favourable response to its query, unfortunately. Take heart, there are more of us out there who listen.

I hope this helps...

My name is Courtney Ridley, MD, FACOG. I'm a gynecologist obstetrician certified by the Board which also incorporates functional medicine in my practice. Functional medicine approaches are starting to make inroads into the general practice, but there is still work to be done. This is the reason for this and subsequent shipments. My website is: http://www.integrative-gynecology.com/

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A guide to Perimenopause symptoms

Before menopause really takes place, must first occur perimenopause and its manifestations are usually Chronicle which can last between two and ten years. When perimenopause begins, hormone levels, as estrogen decrease gradually. But these changes will not have a circadian flow which are normally mercurial. Hormonal changes are followed by the symptoms that affect the emotional, mental and physical health of a woman. But normally the duration varies from a woman to another.

Perimenopause symptoms usually begin in the late 1940s or early 1950s where the woman to have an irregular menstrual cycle. Sometimes, the cycle appears to be shorter than the usual duration and there are also times when it is longer. The loss of blood may also vary. The blood that comes out may be scarce or heavy.

Hormonal changes can also make women experience warm feelings in the morning and you're sweating in the night.

Perimenopause symptoms are not continuous because the majority of them are intermittent. You may be experiencing night sweats tonight, but that does not happen tomorrow. Because these aberrant flows, it is undoubtedly difficult to understand the nature of the menopause and know that suitable treatment methods can also be difficult.

What are common symptoms that are present in perimenopause:?

(1.) Irregular menstrual flow
Since fertilization is erratic at this time, it is difficult to say if the menstrual cycle will be more or less. Even the amount of blood lost is difficult to determine how it can be abundant or minimum. On the other hand, even throughout the menstrual cycle can be lost.

(2) Hot flashes and night sweats
This can give a woman a kind feeling extravagant. One minute you feel hot and becomes diaphoretic (profuse sweating) suddenly. However, duration, intensity and frequency of symptoms varies from a woman to another. Commonly, night sweats can even sleep disruptions cause.

(Changes of humor 3.)
Perimenopause symptoms, this is one of the most common. Many women experience uncomfortable feelings then suddenly they suffer from depression. These sudden emotional changes are also caused by hormonal changes. This kind of symptom is closely consistent with a woman who menstruates. However, the only difference is that of the changes are not so transparent.

(4.) Sleep difficulties
Due to the night sweats, many women is very difficult to sleep. When they are finally sleepy, he immediately wakes up in the middle of the night and they could no longer sleep anymore.

(Unit of libido or sex of Dalet 5.)
When the perimenopause symptoms begin to take place, the vaginal mucosa of women is becoming thinner. Due to the production of estrogen decrease, the vagina become dry, spicy and less lubricated, therefore a painful intercourse. This is the reason why women with these changes no longer have the wish to participate in the sex.

(6) Body weakness and fatigue
Due to the numerous symptoms experienced by women during perimenopause, their energy is not doubt it will fall and will be exhausted. Other factors that can weaken a woman are the reduction in the production of testosterone, as well as thyroid imbalances.

(Increase in weight 7.)
Finally, weight gain is likely to occur from metabolism of women becomes slower. In addition, women experiencing perimenopause also have cravings for foods that are major contributors to weight gain.

You are suffering from symptoms of perimenopause? Find out how menopause treatments are more effective.

View the original article here

2011年7月22日 星期五

Guide of every menopausal women and the importance of the hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Menopause means "the disruption of menstruation" and refers to a woman had her last menstrual period. In general, women experience between the ages of 45 and 55, but sometimes (although rarely), already in the 1930s. This accompanies changes in your body such as hot flashes, fatigue, depression, and an irregular cycle can occur years prior to the onset of menopause.

The three hormones produced by the ovaries are progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. These hormones are not produced by the body after menopause. Although estrogen may still be produced by adipose tissue, so that fat women do not experience symptoms of deficiency of estrogen after menopause. The body needs estrogen to maintain healthy and long term problems of deficiency of estrogen, such as angina chest and sketching, dowager's hump, fracture of hip, genital degeneration, osteoporosis and hip fracture, become common as these women come to this stage. These health problems reduce the quality of life among women. The good news is that it is preventable.


According to experts, there are 5 groups of symptoms of deficiency of estrogen a woman may experience during this phase:

Hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, palpitations, excessive tiredness, tracking of sensations in the skin and insomnia - are caused by instability in the normal operation of vessels.Changes in mood, depression, memory loss, uneasy and anxiety - are psychological symptoms.Dryness of the vaginal tissues and affected bladder - which leads to desire to urinate more often and make uncomfortable relationships.Loss of interest in sex - this is due to the dryness of the vaginal tissues and affected bladder that lost the momentum of the women in sex.Prone to fractures, back pain, muscle aches and osteoporosis - due to the weakening of the tissues of the body support and thinning of the bones.


Diseases of the heart and stroke increase among women after menopause. Before the occurrence, the women were protected by estrogen. Studies have shown that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after menopause, reduces the risks. Hormone replacement therapy is that it is important that women who have risk factors for heart disease, people with high levels of cholesterol, obesity, and have high blood pressure. It is said they administer what is most important for women who have experienced menopause at a very early age.


This means replacing the hormones that have been previously produced by the ovaries. HRT reduces the incidence of diseases of the heart and stroke. Although, it s still under study on this subject, is believed to improve short-term memory and the kind of called dementia Alzheimer's disease will be reduced.

Genitourinary problems in old age will be reduced. Prevents bone loss and osteoporosis. This means that the quality of life will be maintained while 40% of the life of quality will be reduced and will continue to persist for 10 years or a lifetime after menopause women without hormone replacement therapy.


Hormone replacement therapy will not cause weight gain. Some women may experience side effects initials as a feeling of swollen breasts and fullness sensation but theses are only reactions tend to be established within the first few months of therapy and there is no need to worry about.Hormone replacement therapy not suppresses ovulation and therefore should apply methods of family planning to avoid unwanted during this stage pregnancies.Women with a history of liver disease, problems, or coagulation estrogen-dependent cancers should take another type of therapy.Hormone replacement therapy should take 5-10 years for the symptoms of estrogen deficiency, 10-20 years for osteoporosis prevention and treatment of life should be made for the prevention of diseases of the heart and stroke.Calcium supplements should be taken daily along with hormone replacement therapy. Calcium not being absorbed by the body if there is no presence of estrogen in the body.

At the age of 45-50 or at any time feel that you can experience symptoms of estrogen deficiency, immediately consult a doctor and ask about hormone replacement therapy and if adapted to their health needs. Remember: Not taking any medicine without first consulting your doctor.


They have a very active life and exercise on a daily basis. Eat a well-balanced diet - avoid fatty foods, liquors, cigarettes and harmful drugs. It is a general knowledge than to have a healthy life, we always find time to exercise, to get enough sleep and eat a diet low in fat, low cholesterol, fibrous. We always know this. However, not all people who know the practices they know. So, if you're one of them, should make this principle of healthy lifestyle this multi-vitamins take time.always with breakfast to start the day. Make sure that the vitamins are essential ingredients so it can be useful for your daily needs of body. Read this link for more information about multi-vitaminas: take time to have some fun from time to time. The smile and although it is no tone, hum and sing much. Take everything in life as an experience. Not to dwell on the tensions that will give you but focus on how to solve problems in life with an attitude positive and a smile, even if difficult things.

Every woman will experience menopause. No woman is exempt. Therefore let us take care of ourselves so that aging gracefully without unwanted symptoms could bring the menopause. We have a choice. It is us which option to take.

(Warning: this article was not written to support and endorse any brand of hormone replacement therapy or any pharmaceutical companies.) This is written purely in my quest to help women like myself to receive more information about their health and to help them improve their lives. Thus, this article is only for information.)

Read some of the articles? See my other articles on this site or can visit the blog of the author: http://www.leah-micayabas.blogspot.com

Hello world. I am a proud mother, 31-year-old, only one of two beautiful children. Working as a teacher/professor of English per day, a part-time professor to several children in the afternoons and writer Freelance online to local customers in the wee hours of the night.

I write about parenting, motherhood, health, fitness, beauty, fashion, arts, crafts, music, fiction, prose, poems, songs, environmental issues, inspirational stories, success stories, development staff and life in general.

Although I'm a freelance writer for a time, it will be my first months writing here on this Web site. I am so honored that was to be welcomed. You will hear more than me now and I hope that you will like all the articles I just publish already and the articles that I am going to be published soon. ENJOY READING!

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2011年7月21日 星期四

3 Ways to simultaneously to prevent the devastating effects of the hormone replacement therapy in menopause

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If you're like most women experiencing Peri-Menopause, Menopause and/or Post-Menopause in our society, you probably don't know where to turn for help. With all the potential health risks associated with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and the controversy surrounding BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) it's no wonder we're at a loss and suffering needlessly. I understand first-hand the challenges faced by women entering peri-menopause all the way to post-menopause. I know the frustrations of watching your body change right before your very eyes. Gaining weight while still exercising and dieting, experiencing unrelenting hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, & apathy are just a few of the symptoms that can be experienced at this time of life.

After searching for answers for myself, I, like many, have discovered that you can stop and reverse the degenerative changes that most women think are natural or normal as we grow older.

Hormones are extremely powerful substances in very tiny amounts and because of this they are precisely and carefully monitored and controlled in your body. They are chemical messengers that are regulated by your nervous system and your nervous system is working overtime to assure that everything is going as planned to keep you at your optimal health. Hormones are so tiny they are measured in nano and pico-grams. If you are constantly stressing your body and nervous system by poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle and modern-day stressors your hormones are going to react. That reaction will be an imbalance in the steroid hormone family tree and play havoc on your body. The most important thing for you to realize is that symptoms are your body's way of telling you that something is wrong. Take heed! If you ignore these symptoms and put a band-aid on them (medication) you will temporarily feel better but you will pay the consequences with poor health including, but not limited to, weight gain, menopausal depression, anxiety, hot flashes, insomnia, loss of sex drive, decreased energy, increased pain. I am listing only symptoms here, remember, symptoms are your body's way of communicating a larger problem. The more devastating effects are; high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, uterine and breast cancer, accelerated aging, auto-immune disease, and more.

Your hormone levels can be determined from a simple saliva test with a reputable laboratory. Once you know your levels you can begin to make the appropriate changes with whole food supplementation, stress reduction, dietary and lifestyle changes.

To clear up a bit of confusion about blood and saliva testing I will briefly explain the differences. For a more thorough explanation visit Diagnostechs website (see below). When hormones are tested in the blood they are testing the inactive form of the hormone, although good information it does not tell you what hormones are active and functioning in your body. These hormones are attached to proteins and not active until they are called upon. Testing the free hormones in the blood is a better alternative but very costly and most insurance companies will not pay for them. Saliva Testing will give you the free and active form of the hormones, telling you what is and isn't happening in your body and giving you a roadmap to what needs to be done to rebalance your hormone family, and you don't have to go to a lab.

The next 2 most important steps that you can take right now is to acknowledge and address the stressors in your life and diet. Both will put undue stress on your adrenal glands and over time change the function and balance of your hormones causing you to experience the dreaded symptoms of menopause and ultimately your declining health.


What does your diet consist of? What's for breakfast? Bagels, toast, donuts, pastry, egg McMuffin, OMG pop-ups, cereal, processed bread, non-organic eggs, coffee, tea? We are constantly being assaulted with this garbage in the grocery stores, commercials and fast food restaurants. They are fast, easy, taste good and relatively cheap, but at what expense? Do you even eat breakfast at all? What gets you through the day? What's for lunch, dinner, night-time snack? Do you drink soda, alcohol, fruit juices, eat sugars, sweets?

Why is it we are able to eat this way all of our lives until one day you just don't feel good anymore? Are young bodies better able to digest? Are they immune to these poisons? Is it just because you're getting older? The truth is the human body is not designed to ingest processed, non-nutrient food products. The body will rid itself of these toxins for as long as it can but there will come a time when it will fatigue and can no longer handle the stress and much of the time it is when our body building steroid hormones are on the decline. These anti-nutrient, so-called foods will repeatedly tax all the body's organs and systems, including the endocrine system throwing off the hormonal regulation needed for overall health and vitality, creating disease and ultimately, burn out.

So what's the answer? What are you going to eat? The answer is, keep it simple; whole foods, organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains (if you are not gluten sensitive), organic eggs, organic free range poultry, grass-fed beef, wild salmon and more. You can be very creative and there are many cookbooks for healthy living that are available to us today. Be careful, stay away from fad diets and stick to the basics. A good plan to follow is the Lower Carb Mediterranean Diet consisting mainly of protein and fat, with a small amount of complex carbohydrates.


Eat every 2 to 3 hours to maintain blood sugar levels
Do not eat carbohydrates alone, always add protein and healthy fat to your meals and snacks
Avoid stimulants - caffeine, sugar, alcohol etc.
Avoid dead, de-vitalized and junk foods
Avoid trans-fats and rancid fats
Eat real, whole, fresh fruits (organic is best)
Salt your food liberally with Celtic Sea Salt
Drink plenty of water, half of your body weight in fluid ounces is recommended
Eat foods rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids such as cold water (not farm-raised) fish, including salmon, tuna (not recommended due to its high level of mercury), trout, herring and mackeral. Eat walnuts, flaxseeds and green leafy vegetables. If you prefer, take an Omega 3 supplement such as Tuna Omega-3 Oil from Standard Process.
Use monounsaturated oils, especially extra virgin olive oil as your primary oil or fat source. Do not use canola oil (rapeseed oil) as it is highly processed to take away the offensive taste and smell. Other oils that are good for you, contrary to popular belief, are saturated fats such as coconut oil, lard and butter.
Eat seven or more servings of vegetables and fruits every day (fresh, frozen, not canned). More vegetables to fruit if you are trying to lose weight.
Eat natural sources of protein, (not man-made deli meats), and preferably organic meats (grass-fed, no hormones or antibiotics).
Eat only organic whole grains (noncommercial). No refined carbohydrates (white flour, white pasta, white rice, white sugar).
The best breads are found in the frozen section of the health food store. Look for organic sprouted grain breads.
Minimize oils that are high in Omega 6 fatty acids, including corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean, and cottonseed oils.
Reduce or eliminate your intake of trans-fatty acids (all hydrogenated oils), which are prevalent in margarine, vegetable shortening, and almost all commercially prepared packaged foods.
Make complex carbohydrates, such as breads, pasta, and grains, your smallest food group.

The Mediterranean-Type Diet, also known as the Crete Diet and Omega Diet, was compared to the Standard American Heart Association Diet in the Lyon Diet Heart Study in 1994. "Compared to those on the AHA diet, patients on the Mediterranean Type Diet had an unprecedented 76% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or suffering heart failure, heart attack, or stroke! Remarkably, the new diet had proven more effective at saving lives than any other heart diet, drugs, lifestyle, program, or any combination of these elements." (see The Omega Diet: The Lifesaving Nutritional Program Bases on the Diet of the Island of Crete, by Simopoulos, Artemis, P., M.D., and Jo Robinson, Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., 199. p9)


Are you allowing the stressors of everyday life to ruin yours? Limit the stress in your life. Living in today's society brings many stressors into our daily lives. Add on an unexpected loss or trauma and our bodies must and will react. We are brilliantly designed to handle short-term stress then return to a state of ease. Prolonged and unrelenting stress, real or imagined, will create chaos within. Hormonal imbalance, blood sugar dysfunction, adrenal fatigue, anxiety, diseases, depression all can be created from a prolonged stress response. Identify your stressors! What does stress mean to you and why? Ask yourself if you believe you have any control over it and if you do, what can be done to eliminate or reduce it? For the stressors that you have no control over ask yourself; what is the worst case scenario? Can you change the way you perceive this event or situation?

There are a multitude of stress reducing techniques that you have available to help you better understand and deal with stressful situations including and not limited to; yoga, tai chi, meditation, walking, exercise, gardening and square breathing, MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) http://www.umassmed.edu/cfm/stress/index.aspx. Decide which works best for you and incorporate this into your daily routine. Surround yourself with positive, happy people. Remember, we may not be able to control the stress in our lives but we can control how we perceive it.

Don't let circumstances run your life or your health - You are the boss - Take control of you!

No matter how long you have been suffering with poor health, low energy and/or other symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause, it's not too late to restore your body's natural balance. The good news is: You can begin to incorporate the 3 Simple Steps to Optimal Health and avoid the devastating effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

Visit http://www.diagnostechs.com for more information about saliva testing.

If you are interested in more ways to avoid suffering the symptoms of menopause and to live a healthier, more energetic life, visit up at http://www.managingmenopausenaturally.com/ and pick up your free copy of '9 Secrets to Feeling Energized and Staying Young'.

View the original article here

7 Symptoms of menopause

Menopause can be explained as the time period when the menstrual cycles come to an end, marking as well at the end of the fertility of women. It usually occurs during the age of 45 to 55 in women. In this article you will learn about the symptoms of menopause, and how to deal with them.

Women generally show mixed reactions to menopause. While some women are aliviadas at the prospect of saying goodbye to those uncomfortable, messy and painful days, others are scared of the many changes that are associated with the menopause. One must treat menopause as a normal part of life. ?The changing levels of hormones during menopause could lead to these symptoms.

1 Hot or cold flashes: not all women experience hot flashes, but it will be the majority of them. They felt as sudden sensation of heat or heat that spreads over the body, but they are perfectly normal as the body is showing its reaction to the supply of the hormone estrogen decrease.

2 Night sweats Flashes: night sweats is a frequent perspiration that occur during sleep, and are more intense than hot flashes. It is a common disorder of perspiration.

3. Under sex flashes of unit: sexual desires have their minimum and maximum for each woman. Any hormonal imbalances can sap hard sex. But there is a difference between sex drive and sexual function.

4 Dryness in the vagina of Flashes: with the levels of estrogen fall during menopause, vaginal tissues also begins to lose its shapely and become drier and less elastic. Sex can be uncomfortable as the vagina becomes easily irritated and spicy.

5 Hair thinning Flashes: low levels of estrogen in the body can lead to hair loss, since the hair follicles need estrogen. Hair loss can be gradual or sudden head or other parts of his body. The hair also gets drier and more fragile.

6 Weight gain Flashes: another common symptom of menopause is a fattening in their environment, which is another sign of change in hormones. Hormone levels are linked to the increase in weight and fat redistribution. Also the metabolism slows down too, that he is aging.

7 Osteoporosis Flashes: menopause affects the bones, despite the effects they can show several years later as osteoporosis. Little by little thin and bones become weaker, due to the decrease in bone mass and density.

All these symptoms of menopause are perfectly normal and there is no alarm. See your doctor for any medication. Bring changes in diet and exercise to maintain their high metabolic rate and spirits. ?Take the menopause with its calm and watch from a positive angle.

Learn more about the latest news on health at http://www.themedguru.com/. Learn about brain food for improving memory.

View the original article here

2011年7月15日 星期五

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement: risks you should know and how to reduce them


I’ve been writing about the benefits of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for years. Not only does BHRT help alleviate the symptoms associated with menopause (and the male version of hormone decline, called andropause), but it also offers many other significant health benefits as well.

Whether you’re a man or a woman, there’s excellent scientific evidence that BHRT will substantially reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive decline. Other research has proven that BHRT significantly lessens risk of heart and blood vessel disease, osteoporosis, and (in non-smoking women) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It has also been proven to significantly reduce deaths from all causes in men (it’s very likely it will reduce all-cause mortality for women, too, though it hasn’t been proven just yet).

Another “perk” of BHRT is that it slows the progression of aging, including age-related changes in appearance. Women using BHRT for five to 10 years appear significantly younger than women of the same age who haven’t used BHRT. Wrinkling is less, and skin elasticity is better for much longer. Both women and men using BHRT frequently report improved libido and sex life, too.

And over the last 25 or more years, I’ve heard from hundreds of women and men using BHRT that they’re feeling better mentally, they’re more cheerful, they remember things better, and they have more “get up and go.” As helpful as BHRT is, though, there are a few cautions. For maximum safety, it’s always best to “Copy Nature,” using the exact molecular duplicates of human hormones, in the same quantities normally in bodies, taken into our bodies the right way (for example, swallowing estrogens is actually dangerous), and following Nature’s timing.

But even that isn’t enough: There are still some potential problems with BHRT. Most of them can be easily corrected if you’re monitoring your hormone levels regularly and working with a physician skilled and knowledgeable in both natural medicine and BHRT. But it’s important to know what to look out for. So this month, let’s go over some of the most common BHRT problems, and how you and your doctor can find them and fix them, using entirely natural means.

Why your estrogen treatment “failed” and what you can do about it

You’ve heard about all of the wonderful benefits of BHRT and how it can help women feel better—sometimes almost immediately. But when you tried it, it didn’t work very well for you. So your doctor increased the dose, but it still didn’t seem to help. If this situation sounds familiar, it’s very likely your body is retaining too little estrogen—“kicking out” most of it right away through your kidneys and bowels. This problem—technically called estrogen “hyperexcretion”—can be confirmed if there are higher than usual amounts of estrogens in a urine specimen collected for 24 hours, while estrogens in the blood (serum estrogens) are low-normal or low, and symptoms of low estrogen continue.

Why does this happen? Well, there’s no way to know for certain, but there are a few theories. This problem seems to occur more in women who previously took horse urine estrogen (Premarin®), birth control pills, or who have had high exposure to one or more environmental estrogens. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it. A decade or so ago, I found that estrogen hyperexcretion can always be corrected with very low doses—just 500 micrograms (or less) per day—of the essential element cobalt.1 These low quantities are safe, as diet surveys from around the world have found that dietary cobalt intake ranges from 10 to 600 micrograms daily.

Symptom relief usually starts within two to three weeks, and symptoms are completely corrected within two to four months. Of course, even if you’re feeling better, you should confirm that the problem has been solved by doing a follow-up 24 hour urine test. If your urine test comes back showing that your estrogen levels have diminished into the expectable range, you can likely stop taking cobalt (and, in most cases, there’s no need to resume taking it). Cobalt also helps normalize hyperexcretion of other hormones, such as testosterone and cortisol, but these situations are much more rare than estrogen hyperexcretion. What is more common with testosterone is the next potential BHRT problem on our list…

Attention men: What you should do if your testosterone “stops working”?

Here’s another common scenario—this one for the men: You’ve seen a doctor familiar with BHRT, had your testosterone and free testosterone tested, and started on a transdermal or (preferably) a transmucosal prescription testosterone crème.

Initially, you could really feel a difference. You felt stronger, and more motivated to get things done. Your libido definitely improved. But in just a few weeks, the effect wore off substantially, maybe even entirely. What happened? Is your body getting rid of (hyper-excreting) too much testosterone? While this is possible, as I mentioned above, testosterone hyperexcretion is rare. Much more likely, this initial response and then decline is due to another problem, called hyper-aromatization. Hyper-aromatization occurs when the body makes too much estrogen out of testosterone. Since this topic was covered in detail in the September 2009 issue of Nutrition & Healing, I’ll just re-cap it briefly here (you can download and view the September issue for free by visiting www.wrightnewsletter.com and logging on to the Archives).

You’re more likely to have hyper-aromatization of testosterone if you’re significantly overweight or if you have

Type 2 diabetes (or if it runs in your family)
High cholesterol
High triglycerides
Skin tags (little flaps of skin that stick out from the surface, usually on the neck, under the arms, or in the groin area)
High blood pressure
If any of these conditions apply to you, check with a physician skilled and knowledgeable in nutritional and natural medicine (as well as BHRT), and have insulin resistance testing done.2 Insulin resistance is a sign that you’re at increased risk for type 2 diabetes, and it’s almost always found when hyper-aromatization of testosterone is present.

In other words, if you’re a man using testosterone and your body is transforming that testosterone into too much estrogen, it’s very likely that you’re “on the way” to type 2 diabetes! And though there’s no outright proof, it appears very likely that the high insulin levels associated with insulin resistance are at least part of the cause of this problem, and possibly the entire cause. So it makes sense that reversing hyper-aromatization and preventing (or improving) type 2 diabetes go hand-in-hand. Getting insulin resistance under control with diet and exercise will eventually reverse hyper-aromatization of testosterone, but it can take a minimum of several months or even a year or two.

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In the meantime, there are two safe, natural botanical “Band-Aids” which will slow down the hyper-aromatization in the short term, while you’re working on the permanent solution. One is Myomin, a combination of four Chinese botanicals. The other is the flavonoid chrysin. (Chrysin comes in both tablet/capsule form and a liposomal spray—the spray is much more effective.) Both of these supplements are also available from natural food stores, compounding pharmacies, and the Tahoma Clinic Dispensary. Of course, there are patent medicines which suppress hyper-aromatization, too. But they have many possible adverse effects, and should only be used if nothing else works.

4 ways to keep tabs on your cancer risk

There’s one more precaution to keep in mind with BHRT, and this one is definitely the biggest. I’m referring to cancer risk. But before you get worried, keep in mind that BHRT can actually help you decrease your risk of this dreaded disease. The key is to keep an eye on some very specific risk factors.

Let’s start with the factors women need to know about.

There are four main markers to consider. First on the list is the estrogen quotient, or EQ. The estrogen quotient (EQ) is determined by dividing the total estriol by the sum of estrone and estradiol. (In mathematical terms it looks like this: EQ = E3 / E1 + E2). An EQ that is greater than one indicates a lower risk of estrogen-related cancer.3 And in order to have an EQ that’s greater than one, your urine test needs to show more estriol than etrone and estradiol.4

One thing to keep in mind: The EQ cannot be determined from blood testing, since the half-life of estriol in the blood is very short.5 Unfortunately, conventional physicians unaware of this fact often claim that estriol is only secreted and found during pregnancy, which definitely isn’t the case. To get an accurate estriol measurement and to determine your EQ, you’ll need to do a urine test that measures urine samples collected over a 24-hour period.

The second cancer risk factor is one you may recognize if you’ve been reading Nutrition & Healing for awhile—the “2/16” ratio. Like the EQ, testing your 2/16 ratio can also be done with a 24-hour urine test. The 2/16 ratio looks at the amount of 2-hydroxyestrogens in your body in relation to the amount of 16-alpha-hydroxyestrogens. “16ahydroxyestrogens” are pro-carcinogens, but the “2” type are not, so it’s safer to have significantly more “2” than “16a.” However, you don’t want too much more “2” than “16a,” since that’s been shown to be associated with excess osteoporosis risk. As is so often the case, correct balance is the key! The last cancer risk factors women using BHRT need to keep an eye on are estrone and 4-hydroxyestrone.

Estrone and 4-hydroxyestrone are individual estrogen metabolites. If either one is elevated, it is associated with increased cancer risk. So even though every woman has some level of each, you want as little as possible. By contrast, 2-methoxyestradiol is an extremely potent anti-carcinogen, and you want as much of this estrogen as you can get! (For complete details and references concerning 2-methoxyestradiol, see the February 2008 issue of Nutrition & Healing.)

Again, a 24-hour urine test can tell you if your levels of estrone or 4-hydroxyestrone are elevated. If they are—or if testing shows any of these markers point to increased risk, there are steps you can take to reverse it.

Easy strategies for keeping cancer risk as low as possible

Let’s start with the EQ. If your EQ is less than one, you can almost always boost your estriol production with either iodine or iodide. (For the technically inclined, iodine and iodide induce the pathway from estrone → 16a hydroxyestrone → estriol, E1 → 16aOHE1 → E3). Six to eight drops of Lugol’s iodine daily (equivalent to three to four tablets of Iodoral or capsules of i-Throid) or four to six drops of SSKI daily for 30 to 60 days will usually bring an EQ back up to greater than one. After your EQ is normalized, continue taking two drops of Lugol’s iodine daily (or one Iodoral or i-Throid tablet or capsule daily), not only to support your EQ, but also to significantly reduce your breast cancer risk. Just make sure to have your thyroid function tested periodically if you exceed this amount of iodine long-term. And it’s not a good idea to use SSKI for long-term maintenance, since it’s not “balanced” with both iodide and iodine. SSKI is available by prescription (through compounding pharmacies) and over-the-counter as “Tri-Quench” from natural food stores and the Tahoma Dispensary. Lugol’s iodine is available only by prescription, but Iodoral tablets and i-Throid capsules contain exactly the same amount of iodine and iodide as Lugol’s and both are available from all three sources listed above.

Boost your protection with Brussels sprouts

If your 2/16 ratio is too low, you can often bring it into the normal range simply by eating more vegetables from the Brassica family (also known as cruciferous or mustard family vegetables). Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, mustard greens, and kale are all good options. These foods contain natural substances which shift more estrone towards 2-hydroxyestrone and away from 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone. Flaxseed and soy also help this metabolic shift.

Supplemental indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and di-indolylmethane (DIM) can also raise the 2/16 ratio. But it is possible to “overdose” on I3C or DIM. In some people, more than a little of these supplements can shift so much estrone away from 16-alphahydroxyestrone that not enough estriol is produced to maintain a healthy EQ. In that case, you need to reduce your dose of DIMor I3C. (And just to put your mind at ease, an abnormally elevated 2/16 ratio is quite rare except in cases of I3C or DIM excess.)

The simple switch that makes a big difference

One of the most common causes of high estrone (E1) is oral supplementation of DHEA: If you’re taking oral DHEA by swallowing a capsule, the DHEA will frequently show up as high E1 on the 24-hour urine test. But if you switch your DHEA supplement to a transdermal or transmucosal crème (which is Nature’s preferred delivery route), this effect almost always vanishes. (And, even better, DHEA is much more effective this way.)

Specific supplements to consider

Since 4-hydroxyestrone is the most potent estrogenic carcinogen (and precursor of carcinogens), you definitely want as little of it as possible. And the best solution for lowering an elevated 4-hydroxyestrone level is to use “methyl-group-donating” supplements to raise levels of the very potent anti-carcinogenic estrogen metabolite, 2-methoxyestradiol. As 2-methoxyestradiol goes up, 4-nydroxyestrone usually goes down. These supplements include the methylcobalamin form of vitamin B12, the methylfolate form of folate/folic acid, S-adnosylmethionine (SAMe), betaine, and glutathione.

Follow-up testing—usually in two to three months—will tell you if these or any of the other risk factors have been favorably affected.

Men: The ratios you need to balance for ultimate prostate protection

Now that we’ve covered increased cancer risk factors—and solutions—for women, let’s talk about similar factors for men using BHRT. The most recent “mainstream” research indicates that low testosterone levels increase a man’s risk of prostate cancer. As natural medicine doctors have been pointing out for decades, prostate cancer increases with declining tesosterone levels (andropause). And estrogens may increase by up to 40 percent in men’s bodies during andropause. So suspicion is increasing that estrogens may be related to prostate cancer to a significant degree.

One specific area of estrogen-andprostate-cancer research involves low 2/16 ratios in men. Even when the level of each individual estrogen is within the normal range, if they’re out of balance, there’s increased cancer risk. As noted above, increasing consumption of Brassica vegetables and flaxseed can also increase the male 2/16 ratio (though it’s likely best for men to avoid regular soy consumption because of its plant estrogen content). And research done right here in Seattle found that men who eat Brassica vegetables four times a week have 40 percent less risk of prostate cancer. DIM and I3C can be used if dietary changes aren’t sufficient to do the job.

The second risk factor men taking BHRT need to be aware of is a low androstanediol/DHT ratio (A/D ratio).

You’ve probably heard of DHT and the potential problems it can cause. But you may not have heard about androstandiol. This substance is what testosterone eventually metabolizes into, “stopping off” as DHT along the way. But unlike DHT, androstanediol is anti-carcinogenic.

According to one logical (but as yet unproven) theory published in the New England Journal ofMedicine, the reason there were fewer cancers overall but a higher percentage of significantly more aggressive cancers among men taking finasteride (a patentmedicine which supresses DHT) in the placebo-controlled “Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial” is that finasteride suppresses androstanediol even more than DHT.6 This would create an unfavorable A/D ratio, with less of the anti-carcinogenic androstanediol and more of the pro-carcinogenic DHT—a situation parallel to an unfavorable 2/16 ratio. Because of this relationship, measurement of DHT alone is not as likely to be as accurate an indicator of cancer risk as the androsterone/DHT (A/D) ratio.

I work with many men who’ve been told that they have “too much DHT” without having their androstanediol measured, which gives them a likely-unnecessary cancer risk scare. Some of these men are told they “must” take finasteride or another similar patent medication, to lower the risk of prostate cancer—again, without any measurement of androstanediol to see what their A/D ratio is. When I ask men to have both these testosterone metabolites measured, the very large majority—with the notable exception of a few men taking the patent medicine finasteride and other patent medications with similar actions—have had an A/D ratio considerably greater than one, which indicates that they actually have less cancer risk, not more Although the value of the A/D ratio is not “scientifically proven,” it’s every bit as logical as the 2/16 ratio, and so far there is no argument against this theory.

So what advice can I give for sure about testosterone and DHT? Never take any action based on measurements of just one testosterone metabolite—DHT—alone. Always have androstanediol measured, too, look at the A/D ratio, and discuss the meaning of all of the data with a physician skilled and knowledgeable in bio-identical hormone replacement. – JVW

Thanks to Leah Alvarado-Paz, ND, Terra Sowinski, ND, and Ronald Steriti, ND, PhD for their contributions to this article.

Article Source:www.meridianvalleylab.com