Menopause is a stage in the life of every woman that cannot be avoided. Women often experience
symptoms of menopause in their late 1940s until the early 1950s. A woman says that at this stage when it ceases to have their monthly menstrual cycle. In addition to this, women will also lose their ability to conceive. We can therefore say that when women suffer from this condition, they cannot have children anymore. Women usually experience pre menopausal symptoms which indicate that they are about to enter the stage of menopause. This article will tell you everything you need to know about this phase so that they can tackle properly at the time.
The stage of pre menopause is usually indicated by irregular monthly periods. Monthly periods can be longer or even shorter than usual. Said that the stains of blood will begin to occur in women in their 40s and it may be one of the most reliable signs that she will have her menopause soon. Other symptoms include exhaustion and emotional imbalance. Entering this phase women easily you'll feel tired or anxious even though they are not doing anything. These symptoms are believed caused by the decrease in the production of the female sex hormones. Estrogen and progesterone will occur not so much as before and makes your physical and emotional condition change drastically. These changes can lead to the feeling of anxiety and fear. To the extent of the worst, it can lead to tension and even insomnia. The decrease in estrogen and progesterone can also trigger osteoporosis and vaginal dryness. Vaginal dryness can be a bit frustrating and drastically reduce the sex drive in women, and she can not already enjoy sexual relations.
But don't worry, you can treat the symptoms of menopause pre and you can start a healthier lifestyle. It is true that one cannot avoid menopause. But to introduce healthier foods in their diet unless symptoms will not be so ugly and frustrating. Women come to this stage also recommended exercise regularly. It is believed that to do exercise regularly, improve blood circulation and help in curbing that stress can be caused by the decline of sex hormones. If things do not get any better, you can immediately see a medical specialist and get the proper medication to treat their symptoms.
In general, the symptoms of menopause can be really frustrating and awkward. But a healthier lifestyle with the help of medical treatments, pre menopause symptoms can be treated.
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