2011年6月16日 星期四

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Is Considered Ideal By Many

Women experience many transformations throughout their lives. The pre-teen and teenage years present many challenges, both physical and emotional. Over time, bodies change. In what seems to be a blink of an eye, a girls grow into women. As life progresses, falling in love, pregnancy, and raising a family dominates. While busy earning a living and raising a family, menstruation ceases and perimenopause begins. Thereafter periods cease and women are considered to be in menopause. The next challenge is deciding whether to take on bioidentical hormone replacement or stick with synthetic hormones.

While many women may say, or may have said, that menopause is welcomed with open arms, there are other physical changes that may not always be so pleasant. This is when physicians may introduce the idea of estrogen replacement. During menopause, the body stops producing estrogen and progesterone, leading to a variety of changes that may not always be viewed as satisfactory.

A woman is said to be in menopause after she has not had a period for one straight year after the approximate age of forty-five. This stage of life may lead to hot flashes, moodiness, susceptibility to osteoporosis, heart palpitations and more. Symptoms vary from woman to woman. Traditionally, hormone replacement therapies were given to alleviate these symptoms. However, other unwanted symptoms and conditions arose as a result. Specifically, breast cancer, stroke, and heart disease increased. In an effort to find a better alternative, a system that was more suited to each woman's chemistry and less likely to cause unwanted effects was introduced.

In an effort to be open and fair, there are individuals who oppose this treatment and believe there is not enough evidence in support of it. On the other side of the coin, just as many people have benefited from it. Staying on the positive side, this form of natural hormone therapy makes use of hormones that are identical to those naturally produced by the human body. The alternative option, the traditional stand-by, is taking synthetic hormones which are made from horse urine.

During the past decade, the use of natural hormone therapy has become center stage though it has been around for much longer than ten or fifteen years. Television talk shows, books, and radio programs have highly advertised this topic as true pioneers are interested in sharing what they have learned.

Natural hormones are made in a laboratory. They are only administered after a hormone panel is done. Depending on the results, a certain amount of progesterone, estrogen, and DHEA or testosterone will be given. The most easily used form comes in a cream. With each pulse the topical hormones enter the bloodstream, circulating until next dosage time.

The processes of the human body are inter-connected. Following a healthy diet and lifestyle supports natural hormone treatment plans. A healthy lifestyle supports the endocrine system which in turn helps the replacement hormones work at their best.

Understanding menopause is a necessary step as it goes hand-in-hand with understanding how bioidentical hormone replacement therapies work. In many women, memory becomes sharper and energy levels increase. There are standard formulations available made by drug companies for doctor's to prescribe just as there are certified offices that will customize ingredient dosages to match a woman's exact needs. This is very exciting for women who do not do well with the synthetic version.

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