2011年8月5日 星期五

Fibriods of pregnancy - how to deal with them

Do fibroids intrauterine growth impede a woman get pregnant? The answer is "no"; not to obstruct normally pregnancy. In fact, the presence of these types of fibroids in many cases, is often detected for the first time during the review of routine of pregnancy. Except for some uneasiness and discomfort, the concept is generally a matter without problems. However, it is necessary to keep an eye on the growth of uterine fibroids, so there is no adverse effect on the fetus.

Pregnancy promotes the fibroid growth!

The level of estrogen during pregnancy is higher than the level before the pregnancy; the high level is known to promote faster growth of intrauterine fibroids; However, is not known the progress of the pregnancy influenced by his presence. On the contrary, as the level of the fall of estrogen after pregnancy, fibroids size reduced to previous size.

Fibroids - possible effect pregnancy

It is rare, uterine fibroids may affect a pregnancy if its growth is close to the neck of the uterus or very near the fallopian tubes. This can cause distortion (s) in the fallopian tube (s) or dilated the inner part of the uterus which, in turn, can impede implantation or result in a miscarriage. Mild pain due to fibroids is not uncommon; intense pain can call to treatments such as myectomy or embolization always to the fibroid growth are easily accessible. Also, these options are safe before pregnancy only, otherwise the patient should look natural healing programs.

Natural healing programmes to discourage the growth of intrauterine fibroids

It is a system that uses a combination of diet, supplements, herbs, exercise, etc. to help the body fight the fibroid growth. Treatment depends on the reduction in the growth of uterine fibroids by raising the level of phytoestrogen - an antidote to the highest level of estrogen. This program also includes the consumption of water (minimum 8 to 10 glasses per day) to clean the body of toxic buildup that, otherwise, can stimulate the fibroid growth. The patient begins to feel more comfortable, design becomes a distinct possibility. At the expense of being repetitive, it is worth mentioning that you avoid surgery for fibroid treatment during pregnancy.

Acquiring as much information as possible about intrauterine fibroids, particularly on how keep growth under control during pregnancy - you will find lots of resources online. A place to visit is intrauterine fibroids Knowledge Center.

Author, a nutritionist, estimated that holistic programmes to heal naturally give relief much active time for many of today's health related miseries without adverse side effects. Patients is always recommended to acquire more knowledge on the subject of their afflictions as possible; This will help to speed the cure.

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2011年8月4日 星期四

Changes associated with menopause

Menopause simply refers to the end of the woman's menstruation. The term is used to refer to the entire period of time during which decreased ovarian function and menstruation stops. This period is usually year, normally covering ages 45-55. Sometime around forty, a woman might notice that your session is different - how time lasts, how much it bleeds, or the frequency with which the case is not the same. Or, without notice, could find itself very warm feeling during the day or night.

The average age of last menstrual flow is about 51 years old. Takes 12 consecutive months without deadlines to determine when occurred the menopause, so that you can only set the real time when there is menopause much after the Act. The perimenopause or climacteric phase occurs around 12 to 24 months (in some cases, more) before the last menstrual period and is characterized by symptoms such as hot flushes and irregular periods. Post-Menopause refers to the period of 12 months after the last menstrual period from life.

Most of the women, approximately 60 to 80 per cent - experience only mild discomfort during menopause. After a year or two irregular periods and a number of hot flashes of mild to moderate severity, they simply stop menstruating. 10 To 20% are virtually no symptoms. For 10 to 20% remaining, including the majority of those who undergo surgical menopause symptoms - especially hot flashes - may be a great nuisance and sometimes disabling.

However, smoking may cause premature menopause. Some types of surgery may bring on menopause. For example, the removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) before menopause will be their periods stop, but her ovaries will still be that women's hormones. This means that she could still have symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes when her ovaries begin to do less estrogen. But in situations where both ovaries (oophorectomy) removed, menopausal symptoms may begin immediately, regardless of what might be his age, because your body has lost its main source of estrogen.

Physical changes associated with menopause

Women may have different signs or symptoms in menopause. This is because estrogen is used by many parts of his body. Thus, changes in how much estrogen has a woman can cause various symptoms. But that doesn't mean she will have all or even most of them. In fact, some of the signs that occur in the time of menopause can really be a result of aging, there is no change in estrogen.

Ovarian estrogen production

During perimenopause, production of estrogen by the ovaries reduces to approximately 10% of the level of estrogens produced before to perimenopause. In menopause, the ovaries are ignored signals to produce estrogen. The body shape that indicates that women's reproductive time is coming to an end. Produced ovarian estrogen is called estradiol; only in this way of estrogen reduces dramatically at menopause. Estrogens estrone, manufactured by and stored in the cells of fat from the body and other tissues, is still present in the bloodstream because its production is not controlled by the ovarian function.

Hot flashes

The most common symptom of menopause is hot flashes. Hot flashes or casts, have been sometimes called "overload." A hot Flash is a sudden feeling of heat in the upper part or all of a woman's body. His face and neck become lava. Red spots on his chest, back and arms may appear. You can follow heavy sweating and shivering from cold. Flashes can be as smooth as a light blush or severe enough to wake up from a sound sleep (called night sweats). Most hot flashes take between 30 seconds and 10 minutes.

Although not fully understood, hot flashes are often triggered by a stimulus, such as sitting in a room uncomfortably hot or affected stress and pressure. These are very common at the time of menopause because they are related to changes in estrogen levels. They can also last a few years after the menopause.

Changes in the Vulva, Vagina and bladder

The vulva and vagina are very sensitive to estrogen levels. Lubrication and elasticity and thickness of the vaginal walls are affected by the decline of estrogen, and tissues of the lips and children become less capacity during sexual arousal. The lining of the lining of the vagina is particularly susceptible to infection, irritation and minor injuries reduces the production capacity of lubrication. Usually thick and cushiony, the vaginal walls can be thin during menopause and beyond. Reduces the size of the vagina, as does the uterus. The cervix may atrophy (twitching) and attach to the wall of the vagina. The mound of Venus, or mons, loses plumpness and definition.

Changes in the lining of the urethra and bladder can cause irritation, leading to an uncomfortable need to urinate often. Support to internal organs muscles lose elasticity due to decreased blood flow to the pelvis. This is particularly worrying if it leads to involuntary loss of urine (urinary incontinence) in the exercise, sneezing, coughing, laughing, execute or have sexual intercourse. Some women experience thinning of the hair, pubic hair, and this can be so distressing as it is for a man to a woman.

Changes of the body

A woman might begin to think that your body is changing. His waist could get larger; She could lose muscle and gain fat; his skin could get thinner; She could have memory problems; and your joints and muscles may feel stiff and achy. It is clear if these changes as a result of a woman having less estrogen or only connected with their age.

Visit http://www.loving-relationship.com/ to discover and celebrate the possibilities and the richness of a truly successful healthy relationship. Obtain incisive sex secrets, tips and tricks for performance of love and intense romantic intimacy, supercharged performance and sexual intimacy.

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Enjoy menopause - Bye Bye Osteoporosis

God created women and they gave them the power to give birth to new ones that continue the progeny of that species. For this phenomenon, it has to undergo many hormonal changes. The time when a woman leaves her menstrual cycle on a permanent basis, the condition is known as menopause. During this stage there are abnormally high fluctuation of hormones in the body and a surge in demand for calcium in the body. If the demand does not comply with the supply of calcium, calcium from the bones are extracted from bones porous and spongy. This situation of bone known as osteoporosis.

Parathyroid glands, located behind the thyroid gland, is essential for the metabolism of calcium. Generally found that during the stage of menopause the body this gland does not perform its function of optimized levels. Longer due to another fluctuation in the body, there is calcium deficiency.

The other factor is the hormone estrogen. During menopause decreases the estrogen in the body and this stops the process of absorption of calcium in the body there doing body devoid of calcium. This eventually leads to the porous and spongy bone mass reduction to condition known as osteoporosis.

Diagnosis of the condition of osteoporosis

The best and the most reliable method for judging the osteoporosis is bone density test. BMD mean bone mineral density test. This test is done to expose the body to small radiation that measure bone mineral density. Women with BMD T score below - 2.5 should begin with the treatments to reduce the risk of broken bones or fracture. Women with 1.5 should also continue with therapy to reduce the risk of fractures.

X-rays may be another method by which one can judge the osteoporosis, but it is always doubtful that accuracy.

All physicians advise women with menopause should undergo bone density test on a regular basis, especially for women over 65 years of age.

It is always advisable to avoid the risk of osteoporosis as if one can get easily fractured. Healing is difficult and takes a long time due to the low density of the bones.

Always advise to all my patients suffering from osteoporosis that if the situation is not as grim, avoid hormone therapy that can alter body function.

It can take some Ayurvedic herbal supplements and also follow some remedies herbal core that can help you to avoid the situation known as osteoporosis.

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2011年8月3日 星期三

Do positive ways to address the question of what is menopause?

Ask "What is menopause?" and probably get answers different for different people. Many men, especially those who have menopausal women, are obliged to give answers impertinent half serious half that mention the mood swings, hot flashes and perhaps a joke or two about vaginal dryness. Women who are on the threshold of the menopause daffodils could deal with the idea that this particular stage in their life will be a long journey filled with awkward and annoying symptoms. Menopausal women already experiencing these symptoms could even consider at the end of some things that used to take for granted, pre-menopause.

However, a gynecologist or women's health specialist may have the best answers to the question what is menopause? not only in its scientific sense, but also in the psychological and emotional. It is this interesting transitional in a woman's life when she already could not be pregnant because her ovaries stop producing eggs. It is also the time of the decline in hormone levels and the cessation of menstruation. Menopause naturally occurs generally between the ages of 45 and 55. A completed phase is considered when a woman does not receive your minimum period of 12 months. Once this happens, it is officially considered post-menopausal.

The most common physical symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, changes of mood and irritability, vaginal dryness, night sweats, irregular menstruation, headaches, and others affected by the fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone. They can prove to be overwhelming and sometimes embarrassing things, but you can remedy safely, effectively and without fear of experiencing harmful side effects. So the next time you find yourself wondering what the menopause, and what I can do about your symptoms?, consider natural and sensible treatment first before resorting to the risk of hormone (TRH) replacement therapy.

Quit smoking. Sounds too easy? Yes and no. Some harmful as smoking really vices can accelerate the onset of menopause, which failure ovarian premature and even infertility among women not menopausal problems. Certain toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke are responsible for these as discovered in laboratory tests. It is not a-brainer giving smoking can be beneficial for women entering menopause, but it is also understandable is something difficult. Try to take grape seed extract supplementation to help strengthen his lungs, especially when it has reached a beating from the habit of smoking. Get rid of nicotine and other toxins associated with smoking in her body drinking juice of Orange daily. If you can not leave cold turkey, someone has to monitor their habits of smoking and oversee its final conclusion. In this sense, one of the best responses to what is menopause? It is definitely not the time smoking.

Eat, dress and love the right way to. What is menopause? Perhaps the best people to ask for is menopausal women who pass through this stage of transition with as much grace and serenity as you can gather. They always seem to be cool and unflustered scroll and do things. Do these women even get hot flashes, can find asking.? In all likelihood they do, but they find sensible ways to combat them. Note menopausal women dress how slightly in clothes made of natural fibres, but in layers. This is highly encouraged because cotton and other natural materials allow the skin to breathe and maintain body temperature more or less regulated. A hot flash must turn on, a woman can take simply in the upper layers of clothes for instant relief. He is not recommended to leave the House of fine clothing, and instantly you could invite a cold. In this sense, avoid spicy food, beverages, alcoholic and caffeine that only encourage hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. Go for a high fiber diet that includes bread wheat, grains, cereals, green leafy vegetables, fruits of brightly colored, tofu, and plenty of water.

To obtain a natural glow not caused by a hot flash, make love regularly. Not only is good exercise, also gives a beautiful color to skin and combats vaginal atrophy which can cause dryness and itching. What is menopause? It is the perfect time to live and love without worry about contraception and unwanted pregnancies and celebrating a stage novel of his life as a new woman.

Laura Ramirez is an author of writer and the raising of health. For more information about passing the transition from middle age with grace and ease, go to http://www.mojomenopause.com/.

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Dealing with menopause hysterectomy

Look, all women know that menopause is inevitable, but is not something that most of us hope. But at least we have the luxury of time to adapt to the changes that are happening to our bodies and our minds. However, imagine if menopause and all their associated symptoms occurred in one day. How much harder it would be to deal with?

So that is exactly what happens with a menopause, hysterectomy and as well as having to deal with the physical changes, the woman in question has also deal with the psychological implications too.

There are several reasons why a hysterectomy have been recommended. It may have been advised to treat medical conditions such as endometriosis, intolerable periods, prolapse, fibroids, or cancer.

Once had been took the decision to proceed to a hysterectomy, your doctor will advise the best type of hysterectomy, based on their medical problems and its medical and family history. However, the final decision is yours and it is therefore imperative that you understand fully the options available and also which, if any, after effects may experience.

A brief explanation of the different types of hysterectomy include:

1. Total hysterectomy means that they eliminated all uterus and cervix. Unlike a sub-total hysterectomy, which removes only the top of the uterus, keeping the cervix in the workplace.

2. With a partial hysterectomy removes the main part of the uterus but is still the cervix. If you maintain the cervix, it is advisable to continue regular cervical smear.

3. If it is suggested a radical hysterectomy, this usually means that there is this cancerous tissue. The surgeon will remove the entire uterus, fabric on the sides of the uterus, the upper part of the vagina and cervix.

The surgeon also will decide whether the ovaries must be removed or left behind. The ovaries should remove, the female will begin menopause immediately. If the ovaries are left in place, you can stop producing hormones sooner than expected, and in this case, women are more likely to begin menopause earlier in his life. If estrogen production is lost before the age of 45 can have an increased risk of developing osteoporosis (thinning of bone) and treatment should seek more soon than later.

There is also a 50% decrease in the production of testosterone when the ovaries are removed and the recommended treatment can vary from woman to woman.

Hysterectomy is a very personal choice and should be the right decision for you and your circumstances. However, there is also a routine operation, and although it is advisable to take things easy for several weeks, the recovery is generally stable with few problems.

Often, a woman will find difficult to reach an agreement with a hysterectomy menopause and fertility will cease immediately and that can induce strong emotions and an overwhelming sense of anxiety and depression.

A hysterectomy is nothing to fear, but with any medical procedure, it is important to know so much about what possibly can and to ask to the then necessary care.

A strong support system will be easier to stay positive and not have to take precautions against pregnancy or use monthly protection is of course an additional benefit.

Hannah Cooke decided to write his more recent than the menopause book complete due to his own experiences. Discover that there was so much contradictory advice to women, it took almost 12 months to collect the information in this fascinating book.

For more information on this topic, visit menopause hysterectomy

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2011年8月2日 星期二

Common Post menopause symptoms and how to overcome them

70% Of women approaching menopause will experience symptoms of menopause. This stage is called perimenopause and occurs when they have their periods. These symptoms of menopause are the results of the levels of fluctuating hormones that occur during the period of transition and women feel significant changes in your body.

Meanwhile, post menopause stage is when at least a year have passed since a woman had her last period.

Women entering this phase will also experience some symptoms. Here is a list of common post menopause symptoms:

1. The hot flashes: is probably the most common symptom. Hot flash is a warm feeling that spreads in the body and will have a duration of 30 seconds. Hot flashes cause redness especially in the face and the upper part of the body. This feeling is the reaction of the body due to a decline in the levels of estrogen during menopause.

2. The night sweats: this symptom is almost the same as hot flashes, but more intense. Also called night Hyperhidrosis and refers to the excessive sweating that occurs during sleep.

3. Facial hair growth: entering phase of post menopausal women may also experience growth of facial hair due to a hormonal imbalance.

4. Vaginal dryness: her vaginal tissue will be a little dry elastic and less when estrogen levels decrease. As a result, her vagina is easily irritated.

5 Temperament: During menopause, a woman is likely to have mood swings. Sometimes, his State of mind is active and in the next minute may be down. Mood swings can be really annoying, but you can try this psychological disorder.

6 Fatigue: It is common that women feel lack of energy during the menopause.

How to overcome the symptoms

Post menopausal symptoms can disturb your daily activity and it must therefore know the ways to overcome them. Here are the tips to treat these symptoms:

1 You can arrange an appointment to see your doctor when symptoms occur. Consult your doctor and ask him to do a medical check-up. It is important that you review immediately because some of the symptoms can lead to dangerous diseases.

2 Ask your doctor about the medical options available to treat the symptoms. Some medical options available are medications and hormone therapy.

3. If you prefer a more natural treatment, you must make some changes in your diet and lifestyle. Regular exercise will help to improve the body's metabolism. Exercise also improve the movement of the body and reduce the stress caused by the symptoms.

During menopause, your body will feel uncomfortable changes. Learning the common symptoms and how to overcome them, menopause and post menopause is not one nightmare never again.

Women who have reached the age of 40 should begin to learn about these stages. The internet can be a great place to start; There are hundreds of articles that discuss the symptoms of menopause, as well as registering the symptoms of menopause.

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2011年8月1日 星期一

Does menopause cause tears?

It is not uncommon that a lucky woman is happy to find themselves suddenly bursting into tears and feeling very blue and still can not identify the cause. For women it is often when entering perimenopause, however, many women do not realize that they are those that are included in this stage, and her mood swings cause great concern not only for them but to his family. This does not mean that every woman in menopause will react in the same way. Menopause no doubt plays havoc on hormones and each individual women will react differently to these changes.

The important thing is that menopause could certainly be the cause of the changes in mood, and to make sure that this is actually what is happening is a good medical examination in order.

It is more difficult for women going through these changes in mood, because she is not able to determine what is causing them, and this makes it difficult in the family also. Then the problem is getting worse, and in some situations you can get from the hands.

Sudden changes in the best way to handle the mood and depression that comes with menopause is to understand what is happening to the body and is a natural thing that is taking place. Perhaps explaining to those who are close to you who is entering the stage of perimenopause, and what your experiencing is normal, you will have some of the pressure of having to explain to others what is bothering him.

If you find that menopause depression is affecting drastically his life, without a doubt, there is much what can be done in this regard. Talking with your healthcare professional about these concerns may make several recommendations.

Often find some outside home activities can be beneficial and even to some kinds of relaxation or participate in certain programs of exercise will go far in helping also. Only you same provide some time to gather his thoughts and deal with their emotions is something that should allow you to do so.

It is possible that you only suffer with the mood swings and depression during the first start of the years of menopause. However, some women are subjected to it during all stages of menopause. In any case it can be controlled and there is help available. The most important thing is to realize that you are experiencing is natural, however it is necessary to have this confirmed by the health professional.

It does not hurt to gather all the information you can about menopause and a visit to http://www.memo-pause.com/ will help you. Don't miss the opportunity to http://www.livinglifearticles.com/ has to say on this subject.

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Four options of surgical fibroids treatment you should know

(Also known as leiomyomas) fibroids are tumors that are usually attached to the wall of the uterus. Fibroids are not cancerous and does not therefore have the potential to spread to other parts of the body. There are two approaches to treatment for fibroids, medical and surgical. If there are no symptoms or the symptoms are mild, treatment is not usually required.

If symptoms are severe, the patient who has these growths in the uterine wall can consult a doctor who can explain the treatments available and appropriate. The two most common ways to treat these tumors are medications or surgery. In this article focus on four surgical approaches common to deal effectively with fibroids. These surgical methods are commonly by Ob-Gyns that must take the time to familiarize yourself with them if you suffer from this condition.

Embolization of Uterine artery (United Arab Emirates)

Embolization of Uterine artery (UAE) is a minimally invasive (no more involved cut) procedure that essentially blocks the blood supply to the fibroid tumor doing that you reduce. The physician uses a thin, flexible tube called a catheter to inject tiny particles in the uterine arteries that supply blood to the Fibroma. These particles are working effectively cut blood to the Fibroma. The Fibroma, then begins to decrease and the symptoms tend to improve.

Endometrial ablation

Another surgical option is endometrial ablation which requires the removal of the majority of the uterine mucosa through the use of energy. There are no incisions are necessary for the procedure. Your doctor can usually get access to the uterus through the cervix is the opening to the uterus Yes. Some types of endometrial ablation used extreme cold, while others depend on heated fluids, microwave or high energy radio frequency. This procedure can be made in both the clinic doctor or in the operating room. Factors such as the size of the uterus will be to determine the best method for a successful outcome.


Myomectomy is an operation that involves the direct removal of the tumor through the abdominal wall itself or laparoscopic surgery, an approach less invasive or invasive procedure. This option usually provides to patients who wish to have children in the future. The uterus I stay intact with this procedure, but there is the possibility that the Fibroma may grow back, so it is not a definitive treatment.


The last option is via hysterectomy, an operation to remove the entire uterus. This is the most invasive of all the procedures that were discussed. This is a definitive treatment for fibroids, but it is not an option for women who want to have children in the future. Normally this is done through a "bikini-linea" cut in the abdominal area or through the vagina if the uterus is not exceptionally large. You can have a total hysterectomy where everything is removed with the horns of Falopio and ovaries or part where the ovaries and tubes can be left intact.

The most useful information in the treatment of fibroids and other resources related to the treatment options that help to cure this condition. Participate in discussions with other women who suffer from this very common condition and publicize their ideas.

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