The human body is a truly incredible thing. It is complex and serves many purposes. It is the vessel that contains us, sustains us, nurtures us. Every minute, every second, innumerable things are happening in the trillions of living cells which make up our bodies. Most of its functioning occurs like computer programs running in the background. You are normally not even aware of these programs unless something goes wrong or they begin sending you signals. And miraculously our body also has automatic repair functions; it works to repair itself, usually while we are sleeping.
Most of these bodily functions are controlled and regulated by hormones which are natural chemicals produced by different organs of the body. Usually they occur in pairs, one to "turn on" some function and another to "turn off" that same function.
Sometimes the body doesn't naturally produce enough of a hormone resulting in some kind of medical condition. One such problem that almost everyone has heard of is diabetes which occurs when the body doesn't produce enough insulin to allow your body to properly metabolize sugar. Often a doctor prescribes insulin for a patient to supplement what the body is able to produce itself. This is one form of hormone replacement therapy.
As we grow older some of the functions, which our bodies perform, become less robust and our bodies are less able to repair and replace cells damaged by being alive. Our skin loses its elasticity; we take longer for sore muscles to recover from exercise or for us to heal from an injury. We have come to call the results of this process "aging".
We all have a chronological age and also a biological age. But not everyone's biological age advances at the same rate. While medicine hasn't found a way to completely prevent this aging process, many things can be done to minimize the effects of these changes, effectively lowering your biological age.
One of the medical groups engaged in therapies and research of this kind is the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, an international organization with members in 87 countries. They believe that the careful use of appropriate hormones can significantly improve the physiological state of older individuals who have begun showing symptoms resulting from reduced or out of balance hormone levels. Their members advocate hormonal replacement therapy to overcome the effects of aging. The field of anti-aging medicine dates back to the development of herbal medicine in ancient China.
It is generally agreed that the very best anti-aging medicine you can take is a regimen of regular aerobic exercise. Experts recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least five times every week. It is a wonderful tonic for your entire body. However, exercise by itself is not sufficient to resist the many effects of aging. Sooner or later we can all benefit from something more.
In a woman's body the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone change cyclically. The delicate balance between these hormones is important in maintaining a woman's physical health, appearance, and state of mind. A hormone imbalance can result in both physical and emotional issues, especially as a woman ages. Many of these are undesirable and, in some cases, can be potentially life threatening. Hormonal changes in men are not as extreme as they are in women, but hormonal changes are still a significant factor in their life and health.
Hormone imbalances can result in a variety of different symptoms. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can reduce many of these symptoms and can have the following benefits in women:
· Hot flashes reduced or eliminated
· Bone loss (osteoporosis) may be retarded and new bone growth encouraged
· Vaginal dryness decreased
· Decreased risk of fibrocystic breasts
· Skin elasticity improved
· Improved energy and blood flow
· Accelerated fat burning for improved weight loss
· Sleep disturbances (insomnia and night sweats) reduced
· Emotional disturbances reduced (mood swings, depression, nervousness, irritability, anxiousness)
· Breast problems reduced (tenderness, fibrocystic, etc.)
· Menstrual problems (heavy menses) improved
· Improved libido and sex drive
· Improved mental acuity (lapses of memory, foggy thinking, concentration, etc.)
· Reduced incontinence
Men also experience symptoms from hormone imbalances. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can have the following benefits for men.
· Muscle tone improvement
· Skin elasticity improved
· Improved energy
· Protection against heart disease
· Reduced depression
· Sleep disturbances reduced
· Improved libido and sex drive
· Improved memory and concentration
· Improved bone growth and blood flow
Some symptoms result from too low a level of a hormone, while other symptoms may occur if the level is too high. Obviously a doctor knowledgeable of anti-aging medical protocols and careful understanding of the hormone levels in a specific patient is necessary before an appropriate hormone therapy can be developed for a patient. This will normally require some laboratory testing.
To do its work in the human body a hormone must connect with special receptor sites in the cells of specific organs of the body. A particular hormone will bind only with those special receptor sites in cells of the organs it directs. Other hormones in the blood will not bind with those receptor sites. The hormone can then convey its instructions to the cells, which respond appropriately for some bodily function.
Hormones exist in different forms in both animals and plants. When we talk about estrogen or testosterone we are talking about whole families of hormones. And the exact structure of an individual hormone determines the actions it will stimulate in the organs of the body. It is crucial, therefore, that the chemical structure of hormones used in hormones replacement therapy be exactly like those hormones produced by the human body - what are called bioidentical hormones.
A knowledgeable expert, careful diagnostic work, and skillful formulation are the necessary elements for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy regimens tailored to each patient's individual needs.
Disclaimer: The information provided should not be construed as medical advice but as general information. Anyone interested in BHRT should consult a physician about their specific needs.
Dr. Lucey has been called "The Hormone Wizard" by many because of his uncanny ability to diagnose, analyze and treat hormone imbalances in men and women. Dr. Richard Lucey is a specialist in Family Practice focused on (BHRT) Bioidentical Hormone Replacement therapy. He has been practicing medicine in Pensacola, FL for more than 30 years. Dr. Lucey has been especially devoted to helping women regain their hormonal vigor through hormone replacement therapy. His experience in treating menopausal women has led to his use of natural hormonal replacement therapy for both women and men. He is committed to making this hormone therapy available to every woman and man who wants and needs it. Diplomat American Board of Family Practice 1975- Present Fellow American Academy, Disability Evaluation Physicians Member U.S. Olympic Sports Medicine Society, Member Medical Advisory Board - Retired Boxers Foundation. More information on Hormone Replacement Therapycan be found via